Vote ‘Yes’ for the tax levy


To the editor:

I am writing to urge my neighbors and friends in the North Main Street condominiums and all the residents in north Sidney to vote in the primary election coming up on May 7, 2019. The most important issue on the ballot this year is the opportunity to vote for the tax levy that will help establish a fire station on Wapakoneta Avenue.

I know tax levies are not usually well liked issues. But, I do believe that if our home was on fire, or a member of our family had a medical issue that needed the rescue squad, we would be very happy to have those services in our neighborhood.

Remember, this is not much of an additional tax. This is only asking that the 0.25 percent levy that went into effect five years ago be renewed and only increased to 0.30 percent. The new amount would not begin until 2020, and will not tax Social Security, pensions, disability or investment income.

I have been impressed with the handling of the original 0.25 percent levy that has improved many of our streets, and since this levy of 0.30 percent will be divided between continued street repairs and the building of the north end fire station, I intend to vote for it, and sincerely hope that many others will do the same.

There are many people working in Sidney who do not live in Sidney, but their income earned in Sidney will be taxed by this levy. That will be a big help in reaching the goal of being able to continue these improvements in our city.

Since primaries are not always well attended, I urge all of you to get out there this time and vote for the “earned income” tax levy that will benefit all of us.

Yes, if you voted at the VFW, that is where to go, for the last time.


Farrel Kaplan


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