There is ‘more’ to experience

Several years ago, when my three kids were very little, my wife and I decided to take them on a little road trip. We were going to Port Clinton to stay in a hotel and then to Cedar Point the next day. For week we talked about Cedar Point, and all the rides, and how much fun it was going to be!

The day finally came, so we drove for a while and stopped for lunch. After lunch we decided to go to a local park and let the kids play for a little while before going the rest of the way.

About a half hour later I called out, “Okay kids, it’s time to go!”

As the kids were getting in the back of the van, our middle son said, “So Dad, was that it!? Was that Cedar Point?”

I’ll never forget how disappointed he was. He thought that was the whole experience we had been talking about! And if that was it -then what a bummer!

I couldn’t help but to laugh as I told him that this was a lot of fun, but this was nothing compared to where we were going!

The truth is that there are a lot of people in the world who believe in God, and pray when they need His help, and maybe even go to church – but eventually begin to wonder, “Is this it? Is this what the Christian life is all about? And if it is… bummer!

If that is where you are today, I want you to know that the plans that God has for your life and your eternity are so much more than that! You just have to realize it and refuse to settle for what the vast majority of Christians are settling for. You’ve got to refuse to settle for what you can do, or what you can’t do; and you’ve got to begin inviting God to be the lord of every area of your life, and start conforming your life to His Word (the Bible), so that you can begin to experience what only he can do!

When you live your way, you will continue to get your results; but when you decide to live God’s way, there is so much more!

On one episode of the show “American Pickers,” Mike and Frank had been looking through an old barn for hours. It was full of small signs, cans, and old toys. They bought a few things and were pretty happy with the day.

As they were leaving, they thanked the old man who owned the property for showing them around. It was at that point the old man pointed to a huge warehouse across the street and said, “Oh but fellas, if you’re interested, there’s more! And that’s where all the good stuff is! That’s where all the old cars, motorcycles, and bicycles are!”

Mike and Frank’s eyes got big with excitement as they realized they had just scratched the surface on all the good things that were on that property!

If you’ve become disappointed and frustrated in your walk with the lord, just maybe you need to ask God to lead you into the “more” that He has in store for you. Because when you trust Him and obey Him – I promise that you’ll find that God has so much more instore for you than you’ve ever even imagined.

Ephesians 3:17-19 says, “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

The writer is the pastor of the Sidney First Church of the Nazarene.