City plans July 4th fireworks display


SIDNEY — Plans for this year’s July 4th fireworks display are complete. This year’s show, like those of the past several years, is scheduled to be held on the grounds of Sidney Middle School.

The show is scheduled to be held at 10 p.m. The rain date will be July 5 at the same time and location.

“We are fortunate to have sponsors who have annually joined together to fund the fireworks show,” Sidney City Manager Andrew Bowsher said. “The sponsors for this year’s show have not changed from the past couple of years.”

“Our sponsors include Wilson Health, Copeland, Buckeye Ford, NK Telco, Cargill, Ferguson Construction, Goffena Furniture, Mutual Federal Savings Bank and S&S Hospitality Management,” Bowsher said. “The city of Sidney’s Fire Department will provide in-kind services including the technical expertise required by law.”

“For the past couple of years, American Fireworks has provided the show,” Bowsher said. “This year, High-Tech Special Effects obtained the contract. They are the same folks that provided the fireworks for Shelby County’s Bicentennial celebration in 2019 and Sidney’s Bicentennial in 2020.

“From movies and television to sporting events to concerts and special events, High-Tech Special Effects has the proven experience to provide the show that those who annually attend the fireworks have come to expect,” Bowsher said. “Everyone seems to have their favorite spot from which to watch the fireworks and I’m told that some people regularly travel here – even from out of state – to watch the show.”

“The Fourth of July is a time for backyard barbecues and fireworks,” Bowsher said. “I would encourage residents to enjoy the city of Sidney’s fireworks display, as it is conducted by well-trained professionals.”

“Although fireworks may be legal to use at home, they are simply not safe,” Sidney Fire Chief Chad Hollinger added. “In 2020, here were 18 people killed by fireworks in the United States. Even more startling, there were more than 15,600 injured.”

“While the majority of these incidents were due to amateurs attempting to use professional-grade, homemade or illegal fireworks or explosives,” Chief Hollinger said, “an estimated 1,200 injuries were from less powerful devices like small firecrackers and sparklers. I encourage you to enjoy the Fourth, but do it safely.”

Under the new Ohio law, consumer grade fireworks may only be legally discharged on private property June 30 through July 5, 2023, between the hours of 4 p.m. and 11 p.m.

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