Ehemann joins county officials in Texas

TRAVIS COUNTY, Texas — Shelby County Commissioner Julie Ehemann recently attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference and Exposition in Travis County, Texas. The nation’s largest annual gathering of county leaders drew over 3,000 attendees to discuss a wide range of policy issues, exchange best practices, and hear from inspirational speakers and thought leaders.

“The NACo conference continues to be a great resource for me as I work on issues at home such as access to childcare, broadband expansion, and workforce,” said Ehemann.

Featured general session speakers included U.S. Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Allan Golston, president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation U.S. Program, among others.

In addition to the conference’s general sessions, summits took place with a focus on workforce development, mental and behavioral health, disaster resiliency, and economic mobility. The conference also marked a key moment for NACo signature initiatives on timely topics like housing affordability and artificial intelligence.

As a vice chair to the Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee, Commissioner Ehemann helped to develop the platform submitted to the full NACo body during their business meeting. She also submitted a resolution to the Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee regarding the Windfall Elimination Provision which was accepted by the committee and adopted into NACo’s platform.

“I am excited about continuing my work with NACo. In addition to the Ag & Rural Affairs committee, I have been appointed to be a Vice-Chair for the Rural Action Caucus. Members of both committees will be focused on the challenges faced by rural America such as providing important services to our consituents including rural EMS,” said Ehemann

For more information about NACo’s Annual Conference and Exposition, visit