Thanks for the community support


To the Editor:

It has been an annual tradition for the Fort Loramie Community Service Club to partner with Fort Loramie Schools to organize a food drive for the benefit of the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry at St. Michael’s Catholic Church. This year the food drive was held the week of Oct. 30.

First, I would like to thank the students and their family members at both the junior/senior high school for their continued tremendous generosity and support. The St. Vincent DePaul volunteers expressed their gratefulness of your donations of food, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies and other household items. They collected over 470 units during the week.

I would also like to recognize and thank the Fort Loramie High School Student Council, their advisor Laura Schmitmeyer and the school administrators for supporting and organizing another successful food drive at the high school building. Finally, I would like to thank the high school students who helped load the donated items into vehicles for transport.

Your generosity, support and caring spirit are what makes the Fort Loramie community a great place to call home!

John Meyer, chairperson

Fort Loramie Community Service Club

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