SIDNEY — A downtown tradition continues with the Easter Egg Hunt on the square scheduled for Saturday, March 30. The free community event will take place on the courthouse lawn, which will be divided up into the following age groups: 1–2 year olds, 3–5 year olds, 6–8 year olds and 9–11 year olds. These age groups will be clearly marked with large signs around the square.

Some things to remember: The hunts starts at 11 a.m. sharp and an airhorn will signify the start, the event is over very quickly so participants are encouraged to arrive by 10:50 a.m., but not before, to ensure they find their age group in enough time before the start of the hunt. Those in attendance will be welcoming the Easter Bunny back this year thanks to Ashley Himes State Farm.

With over 6,000 eggs to be dispersed Sidney Alive would like to thank businesses, individuals and organizations that helped fill the eggs: IVEX, Aktion Club, Ron & Nita’s, First National Bank, Cogs N Gears, Houston High School National Honor Society, Wagner Realty, Dawn Shoffstall, Cub Scout Pack 97, Ryan Homes and Michael Lawn & Ag.

For a full listing of the sponsors as well as a listing of all the other events happening this year, visit the website