Some things you can’t fix


Life is full of challenges. Some folks are wired to take the ‘bull by the horns’ and take on anything that may come their way. I actually have been around real bulls and mostly it’s a terrible idea to take on a 2000 pound animal, especially if he’s unhappy. I could list a whole bunch of reasons, one of which is the possibility that you may die. As always there’s a spiritual reality here.

There are challenges that we just can’t fix. Like the reality that I am not perfect and neither are you. You can take classes, exercise, get new friends, move to a different state, change jobs, change churches, change spouses, win the lottery, buy a new house, read a self-help book, take medication, and dozens of other things and still perfection eludes you. No matter what you try to do by your own knowledge and strength you come up short. You may improve your attitude, perhaps mask your condition, but the truth is you’re still an imperfect sinner.

God’s design was for man to be created in His image; perfect, flawless, beautiful, and in an intimate relationship with himself. It was his desire for us to be the jewel of his creation. We would have a deep connection and abiding relationship, close friendship really, with him.

When we come to the realization that we are imperfect, flawed people, attempting to establish a friendship with a holy and perfect creator we realize that we are incapable to do so by our means. Thankfully God loves us more than we love him and therefore He sacrificially reaches back out to us. Rather than us taking ‘the bull by the horns’ He’s already opened the pathway to reestablish that relationship. Jesus Christ, God in personhood, out of extraordinary love, mercy, and grace paid the price that we could not, so that our relationship could be restored. He paid the penalty, fine, sentence, ransom, debt, obligation and destroyed any other barriers that could separate us from him. He paid the full price of our imperfection, our sin, and invited us back into the relationship that He intended for us from the beginning. That’s the true meaning of the season that we’re celebrating now and has nothing to do with eggs and bunnies but rather everything to do with the love Jesus extends to us.

“ God demonstrates His own love for that while we were still (imperfect) sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.

Please consider the offer to give up the struggle of whatever it is that you’re trying to do to please God and man. Surrender, come out with your hands up, the work has already been done. Trade in your struggle for the peace that’s already waiting for you, paid in full by Jesus who loves you most.

You may want to pray a simple prayer like this, “ Thank you Jesus for loving me so much that You have paid for everything that has burdened me. Let me know You more”

The writer is the pastor of Christ the King Church near Jackson Center.

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