Out of the past

125 years

April 11, 1899

Several months ago, Neal Post, G.A.R., was notified by the Monumental Building trustees to vacate the room in the building, which it has occupied for many years as the room was to be used for library purposes. Yesterday attorneys for Neal Post obtained a temporary injunction preventing the trustees from carrying out their notice.

100 years

April 11, 1924

Members of the junior confirmation class will be examined during the morning worship service tomorrow. Members of the class are Frank Neville, Carl Stein, Wanda Beery, Ruth Lambert, Ruth Seeley, and Georgeanna Weiss.

75 years

April 11, 1949

Perry Township residents will decide for themselves if they want to retain their high school in Pemberton, or if they want their sons and daughters to go to Sidney High school. In a statement issued today, members of the board of education said the question was so momentous that it should be referred to the electorate.

50 years

April 11, 1974

A two-week short course in auto mechanics and safety for women was completed Monday evening by members of the Senior Girl Scout troop. Ron Brondyke of Don Thompson Ford instructed the girls, including Beth Anderson, Lynn Heckler, Jan Monnier, and Julie Morris. Advisor is Marie Davis.


An award for 3,000 hours of service was presented to Mrs. Bert Heck when the Wilson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary held a recent awards and appreciation banquet.

25 years

April 11, 1999

Shelby County Common Pleas Judge John D. Schmitt was recently appointed to the Judicial Corrections Board of the WORTH Treatment Center in Lima.


No issue has caused more strains in U.S.-Chinese relations than Taiwan and, in his joint news conference with President Clinton on Thursday, Zhu said he feared that Taiwan would be in a “perpetual state of separation from the mother-land” if China were to rule out the use of force against the anti-communist bastion.


Mark Adams inspects the interior of the new funeral home he and his wife, Julie, will be opening soon on Fair Road. The new facility was estimated to cost $350,000.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.