Russia grads get scholarships

RUSSIA — Seniors who recently graduated from Russia High School were awarded several scholarships through funds administered by the Community Foundation of Shelby County.

The Edward and Merilyn Borchers Family Scholarship Fund awarded renewable $1,500 scholarships to graduates Kara Barlage, Lukas Busse, and Amanda Frazier. Barlage, daughter of Jerold and Angie Barlage, is studying marketing at the Ohio State University. Busse, an electrical engineering major at the University of Toledo, is the son of Andrew and Jennifer Busse. Frazier attends University of Cincinnati, where she is pursuing an English literature degree. She is the daughter of Tracy and Jackie Frazier.

The Doc and Hilda Francis Family Scholarship awarded $1,250 renewable scholarships. Recipients were Andrew Ball and Molly Kearns. Ball is the son of Rick and Connie Ball. He is a data analytics major at the Ohio State University. Kearns, daughter of Tim and Dee Kearns, is a biomedical engineering major at Wright State University.

The Kyle R. Magoto Scholarship Fund named Trevor Monnin to receive a $500 scholarship, which is renewable for a second year. He is the son of Alex Monnin and Kathy Monnin and is majoring in computer science at the University of Toledo.

The Clair and Jeanne Naveau Family Scholarship Fund honored Alicia George with a $1,000 scholarship. She is a dental hygiene major at Rhodes State College. Her parents are Christopher and Joyce George.

Online applications are available through the Community Foundation website at beginning mid-December each year.

Staff report