Outdoor dining at Murphy’s OK’d


SIDNEY — Outdoor dining at Murphy’s Craftbar + Kitchen, LLC has been approved by the Sidney City Council at its East Poplar Street restaurant.

Sidney City Council adopted a resolution Monday evening granting a license for the business to have an outdoor dining area during its teleconference meeting.

Public Works Director Jon Crusey said Frank Catanzerite, doing businesses as Murphy’s Craftbar + Kitchen, LLC, requested approval for the outdoor dining area at 110 E. Poplar St. Crusey presented a drawing showing the proposed permanent railing would be 12 feet, 7.5 inches from the face of the building, providing for 5 feet of clearance between the railing and back of the curb. The railing will extend across the front of the building from the west building line to the west side of the front entrance. A tree will need to be removed before installing the railing and Catanzerite will need to get a right-of-way permit from the city’s engineering department to complete the process, Crusey said.

The resolution states smoking is prohibited within the sidewalk café area and its environs; however, Crusey said the applicant is interested to obtain permission to have cigar tastings in that outdoor area. Some discussion ensued about whether smoking would be allowed, according to the ORC, and potentially only allowing it on a case-by-case basis, as patrons would have to pass through that area to enter the restaurant. Catanzerite was not present to offer his thoughts on the idea, but Mayor Mike Barhorst pointed out the legislation considered Monday was not for approval to allow smoking in the outdoor dining area. Barhorst said Catanzerite can bring the request back for consideration at a future meeting.

In other business, there was a discussion during which Crusey sought direction from City Council on the city’s water tower maintenance contract. He explained the five-year capital improvement plan (CIP) includes $850,000 for the interior/exterior painting of the Campbell Road water tower in 2021 and $930,000 for the interior/exterior painting of the Fourth Avenue water tower in 2022.

He said the city has been approached by Suez, a water, wastewater and waste management consulting engineering company, about a maintenance contract for Sidney’s two water towers. Suez inspected the interior and exterior of both towers and determined the exterior of the Campbell Road water tower needs painted in 2021, but the interior will not need painted until 2025. The Fourth Avenue water tower was determined to need exterior painting in 2023 or 2024 and the painting of the interior in 2027.

Suez is recommending a 100% solids interior coating at a cost of $76,200 per tower, lasting 15 to 20 years, Crusey said, versus a traditional interior coating that will last 10 to 12 years. Suez’s water tower maintenance proposal is a seven year contract at $224,189 annually. The total cost of this contract would be $1,569,323 compared to the $1,780,000 budgeted for the painting of both towers. Suez would also inspect each tower annually during the term of the contract. In addition to implementing a comprehensive maintenance and inspection program for the two water towers, he said this contract would also spread out those costs over the term of the contract, versus “front loading” those costs as proposed in the five-year CIP.

Barhorst asked how long Suez had been in business and who else they have provided work for in the past. Crusey said he would get the Mayor that information.

Crusey was directed to draw up legislation and return with it at a future council meeting for further consideration.

By Sheryl Roadcap

[email protected]

Reach the writer at 937-538-4823.

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