BOE approves new administrator contracts


JACKSON CENTER — Administrative contracts for several employees of the Jackson Center Local School district were approved during the board of education meeting Monday night, July 19.

The board approved new three year contracts for Superintendent William Reichert; Treasurer Tony Meyer; 4-12 Principal Jeff Reese; PreK-3 Principal Ginger Hueker; and Technology Coordinator Jim Conley.

The administrative contracts reflect a 2.5% increase for administrator.

In other business, the board:

• Approved certification that Jackson Center Schools has adopted nutrition standards as set forth in the Ohio Revised Code.

• Approved requests from Activity FCCLA, Music and Student Council for their yearly fundraisers involving the sale of cookie dough, fresh express, freezer meals and spirit wear.

• Approved the contract for services provided by the Midwest Regional Education Service Center for the 21-22 school year.

• Approved the treasurer’s finance report. The district ended the year with a positive margin in Revenues vs Expenses which was helped a bit by COVID-related federal funding. Work continues implementing new accounting and payroll systems which went live July 1st and study continues on the impact of the new biennial budget for FY22 and FY23 in which another new state funding system is being introduced but will be fully implemented and funded over a 6 year period.

• Went into executive session to discuss the employment of public employees and upcoming negotiations.

• Accepted the resignation of certified aide Megan Gray.

• Approved the employment of certified staff members. Hired were Anastasia Long K-12 Vocal Music (one-year limited contract); and Megan Gray 4, 5 and 6 Intervention Specialist (one-year limited contract)

• Approval limited teaching contracts for Elizabeth Baker, three-year, Peyton Esser, one-year, and Caylee Karg, one -year.

• Approved employment of supplemental or pupil activity contracted staff pending completion of all requirements. Hired were Gavin Booser, junior varsity soccer coach; William Reichert, girls varsity head basketball coach; Peyton Esser girls, junior varsity basketball coach; Keesha Byrd, girls varsity assistant basketball coach; Scott Doseck, eighth-grade girls basketball coach; and Kristin Thobe, seventh-grade girls basketball coach.

• Approved staff members as resident educator mentors for new staff: Wendy Yinger, Dawn Luthman and Keesha Byrd.

• Approved the purchase of new laser projectors and mounting brackets for 10 or so classrooms. The district plans to use Covid related, federal ESSERS II funds.

• Approved the purchase of nine passenger MPV Van to assist in improving the flexibility of student transportation as different needs and requirements have evolved. The district plans to use COVID-related, federal ESSERS II funds.

• Approved a motion determining that it is impractical to transport students residing on Ailes Road to and from Holy Angels schools and will pursue an agreement to provide the family a payment in lieu of transportation in accordance with ORC.

In his report to the board, Reese, Heuker and Reichert discussed with the board results of recent state testing results. The board lamented the fact that the results of several tests are reported as Jackson Center School results but are diminished by students taking test at other locations or on-line. Discussion occurred about what can be done. COVID-related federal funding will be used, in part, for some transportation purchases along with technology for the classroom to improve teaching versatility between on-site and on-line as well as the potential for maintenance of the west wing roof to ensure that area of the building is maintained and ensures maximum spacing of students within existing facilities. Lastly, a study on CCP classes and their impact on students and staff is on-going.

The next board meeting will be Monday, Aug. 16, at 7 p.m.

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