Sidney Apostolic Temple to host blood drive


SIDNEY – The Sidney Apostolic Temple will host a spring blood drive Thursday, April 14, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, 210 S. Pomeroy Ave. with a reminder that blood donors “hold the key to saving lives.” Everyone who registers to donate will receive a key chain etched with the Community Blood Center blood drop logo. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at or call 800-388-GIVE.

The “Key to Saving Lives” key chain is free to anyone who registers to donate through April 30 at a CBC Donor Center and most CBC mobile blood drives. The chrome key chain features the CBC logo on a diamond-shaped fob with a braided key loop.

Spring is a time when vacations, severe weather and seasonal illnesses can interfere with donating and create challenges to maintaining to the regional blood supply.

In addition, CBC is taking cautions against the Zika virus. Potential donors who have traveled to Zika endemic areas in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central or South America are deferred from donating for 28 days. The restriction is expected to decrease the number of eligible donors by approximately 2.25 percent.

CBC encourages eligible donors to help offset this loss by making an appointment to donate. Type O whole blood donors and type AB platelet and plasma donors are especially encouraged to donate when able.

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