Be sure to vote


To the editor:

Our nation’s founders created something completely new in mankind’s history when the Declaration of Independence stated that “… Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, … ”

Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech and from illegal search and seizure, and the right to bear arms among others. Yet are we free to speak when, if we disagree with the current administration’s policies, we are called racist, bigoted, homophobic, islamophobic, a bitter clinger, and even deplorable and irredeemable? In a sense, how free are we when those who are doing their best to provide for themselves and their families are being required to pay higher and higher taxes to provide “entitlements” to people who become eligible for those government gifts by entering our country illegally? If by hard work we manage to acquire some wealth, we are told that we didn’t do that and that we are not paying our fair share, even though 40 percent of the taxes collected in this country are paid by the top 1 percent of taxpayers. Can you name one government program that has succeeded in its purpose or solved the problem and come in at or under budget? We have spent $3 trillion on welfare programs since the War on Poverty, and the poverty rate hasn’t changed. Patriotism is scorned by those who want to have open borders, another way of saying that they want no borders to our country. Without borders, we are neither a nation nor a country.

I will not be compliant and polite, looked down on and preached to by the pseudo-elite and faux-intelligentsia. Because I live in fly-over country, I couldn’t possibly be smart enough to take care of myself. I am fed up with two sets of laws in this country — one for those in power and another for us ordinary people, who make one of the candidates uncomfortable. Compare the slogans of the two presidential candidates: Donald Trump says, “Let’s make America great again.” Hillary Clinton says, “I want to be your champion.” How about getting out of my way and letting me attain the degree of success that I am capable of and choose to?

This election is critical. You may not agree with my views, but I encourage everyone who reads this letter to vote.

Nadine Bryan


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