Vote for Linda Meininger


To the editor:

We are writing in support of Linda Meininger for re-election as Shelby County treasurer. A person has to enjoy her work to do it well, and she certainly does that. She has been employed by the county for 32 years and served as treasurer 14 years. During that time, being treasurer has been her number one priority and the politics second. For anyone not knowing exactly what her job is, she protects, invests and collects county funds with a sound financial policy while being fiscally responsible. Linda entered into a contract with TaxEase of Ohio in 2012 to help with the collection of delinquent taxes. This program is still ongoing. She has also redesigned our real estate and manufactured home bills and outsourced the printing and mailing rather than buy new equipment. This has saved the county money.

She has helped organize the Shelby County Land Re-utilization Corporation to apply for grant money from the state-wide “Neighborhood Initiative Program.” Collaborating with the other elected officials the county was able to restore the courthouse with much needed repairs. Linda is a responsible, compassionate, hardworking public servant who has served this county and its taxpayers well and will continue to do so. We see no need for change in the Treasurer’s office. Please vote on Nov. 8 for Linda Meininger.

Gary & Susan Bertsch


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