UVCC BOE accepts EZA agreement


PIQUA — The Upper Valley Career Center Board of Education approved a resolution approving an Enterprise Zone Agreement between the village of Fort Loramie and Wayne Trail Technologies Inc. at its monthly meeting. The board of education approved the agreement and the related real estate tax abatement for 100 percent for 10 years.

Wayne Trail Technologies Inc. plans to make a project investment of $7,286,000 in the village of Fort Loramie, which will assist with maintaining 165 permanent full time jobs and Wayne Trail will use its best efforts to create 50 permanent full time jobs with an additional annual payroll of $3,000,000 within three years after completion of construction.

UV Career Center Superintendent Dr. Nancy Luce reviewed several upcoming events with the board, including that graduation is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, May 25, at Hobart Arena, Troy.

Luce also reported that Ohio Department of Education announced that career and technical instructors who come out of business and industry are no longer required to participate in the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA). This change was part of SB3 passed in the last biennium. While it was clear that the law applied to teachers being hired for next year, it was not certain that the exemption would apply to the CT instructors already hired and currently participating in RESA. In lieu of RESA, this group of CT instructors will continue to take the required 24 hours of university coursework and then complete a performance-based assessment developed by the universities.

Luce updated the board on the discussion from a Graduation Requirements Workgroup.

The board approved the following donations:

• $50, by Mark Fridle to be used by the UVCC FFA
• 4,895 pounds of scrap steel, varying thicknesses donated by Crown Equipment to be used the Welding Technologies SkillsUSA program

• $500 donated by Premier Health to be used by the Adult Division Practical Nursing Program

The board also Tony Trapp, apprenticeship coordinator, to attend the Apprenticeship Forward Conference in Washington, D.C., from May 4-5. Trapp has been asked to present information on UVCC’s pre-apprenticeship program, along with the executive director of the Ohio State Apprenticeship Council. Apprenticeship Forward is a national conference that will help chart a path towards a future where millions more American workers and businesses reap the benefits of a high performing apprenticeship system built through the collaboration of the public, private and philanthropic sectors. Registration is covered by the association, and costs to the district for travel, lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses will not exceed $1,500.

Retirements accepted at the meeting include Mariann Bolton, secretary-student services, as of June 30; and Fred Drapp, bus driver, as of May 31.

Staff Report

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