Out of the past

125 Years ago

February 14, 1893

A fair size audience was present at the Monumental opera house last night to see Miss Foy in her mediumistic séances. The feats she accomplished were remarkable.

An immense audience assembled at the M.E. Church last evening to hear Prof. Houser deliver his lecture on temperance. A great many went away because they could not find even standing room. The lecture was one of the best ever delivered in Sidney on the subject.

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100 Years Ago

February 14, 1918

At the meeting of the stockholders of the county club at the Commercial rooms last evening, the following directors were elected for the year: A.J. Hess, F.D. Christian, A.C. Getz, E.H. Farrell, Karl Hodge, P.R. Taylor, Louis R. Wagner, and W.R. Carothers.

The Thedieck Department Store Co. has erected a booth in the store for the selling of Thrift Stamps, War Savings Certificates, Liberty Bond and Smileage Books, and reports a thriving business in these patriotic war activities.

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75 Years Ago

February 14, 1943

In one of the larger groups to leave Sidney for service in the armed forces, 100 Shelby county men boarded special busses this morning at the city building for Fort Hayes, Columbus, where they were to take their physical examinations. The original quota for this group was 117 men but the selective service board was unable to secure the full number. It was composed mostly of 18 and 19 year olds made eligible for service by congressional action several weeks ago.

H.H. Dearth was re-elected president of the Shelby County Deer Hunters Association, when members held their 85th annual reunion last evening in the I.O.O.F. temple. Renamed to serve with Dearth were, C.L. Oakley, vice president, and Chet Lee, secretary and treasurer.

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50 Years Ago

February 14, 1968

Named president of the Sidney Rotary Club was Robert Dunham, local insurance executive, following the election of directors during the Monday noon meeting. Other officers elected to serve with Dunham include: Richard Russell, vice president; Don Shaffer, program chairman; Carl Wilkinson, secretary-treasurer; with James Clark and William Deam as directors.

Miss. Sally Cummings was one of the four co-eds elected as the Queen’s Court to reign during the 1968 homecoming activities at Urbana College, Urbana, Ohio. Miss Cummings is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, Sidney, and is a freshman at Urbana College.

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25 Years Ago

February 14, 1993

Col Robert D. Enyeart, Commander of the U.S. Army 2nd Recruiting Brigade, was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in a recent ceremony in Atlanta, Ga. The Distinguished Medal is the nations second highest military peacetime recognition. Awarded by the President of the United States and authorized by Congress, the medal was presented by Maj. Gen. Jack C. Wheeler, Commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Wheeler cited Enyeart’s “exceptional contributions” to the U.S. Army from 1983 to 1993, with particular emphasis on his professionalism, exceptional leadership and unequalled knowledge of Army recruiting. During his almost three year tour as Commander of the 2nd Recruiting operations Enyeart directed all Army and Army Reserve recruiting operations in the central and southwestern United States. As a result more than 60,000 soldiers enlisted in the active Army and 22,000 enlisted in the Army Reserve during his command. Enyeart enlisted in the Army in 1966 for Army Warrant Officer flight training. He received a direct commission to First Lieutenant, and served two tours in Vietnam.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org