Maria Stein American Legion to host garage sale


MARIA STEIN — Dedication, respect, kindness, support and leadership are only a few of the words which describe the eight women that were chartered members of Maria Stein American Legion Auxiliary Post 571, 65 years ago, in 1953.

Forty-seven area ladies formed the Maria Stein Unit and Luella Gagel became their first president. Today, chartered members Rita Bertke, Marian Franzer, Rita Heinl, Bernadetta Kemper, Sis Puthoff, Martha Thieman, Mary Thobe and Velma Thobe continue to support our veterans.

This year some of these smiling faces will be seen at their annual garage sale on March 21, 22 and 23, located in the American Legion Post 571 on state Route 119, in Maria Stein. Doors open on Wednesday and Thursday at 9 a.m., and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon is “Buck a Bag” Day.

Being a citizen of the United States and having a parent, sibling or a spouse that was a veteran is a requirement for membership in the auxiliary post. Those veterans did not share their war experiences quickly, and one spouse remembers her husband searching for fellow servicemen that had survived the bombing of their ship during World War II. Many of these men spent two days floating in shark infested waters, not knowing who had survived. Their first reunion was a tearful event.

Even though these ladies formed the auxiliary because of their husbands, brothers or fathers, they did enjoy that evening out once a month talking and playing cards. One member recalls that she signed up seven members at a dance.

They advised spouses of today’s service men and women to be supportive and listen when the service man/woman wanted to talk.

During the past 65 years these ladies have helped sponsor the Blood Mobile, held Baby Sitting Clinics for the young people of the community, worked at the Maria Stein CountryFest, and formed a Drill Team that has been seen at the Maria Stein Pilgrimage, CountryFest, Living Rosaries, and Veterans Services at the Mercer County Fair.

Annually, the auxiliary participates in the poppy sales, district and national activities and sponsors young ladies for Buckeye Girl’s State. These chartered members reminisce about their trips to the VA, trips to Xenia to aid tornado victims, tours of the school for children with disabilities, participating in the CountryFest, attending the Ruth Lyons Show, Bear Creek, Christmas Programs and their annual garage sale.

Staff report

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