Honor roll

RUSSIA — Russia Local School has released its honor roll list for the third nine weeks.

Highest honors (4.0)

Grade 7: Cecelia Borchers, Abigail Fisher, Eliza Gariety, Reese Goubeaux, Makena Hoying, Xavier Phlipot, Simone Puthoff, Zane Shappie, and Kate Sherman.

Grade 8: Lauren Borchers, Makenna Borchers, Ava Daniel, Sophie Francis, Ella Hoehne, Rachel Hoying, Jordan Meyer, and Emily Sunderland.

Grade 9: Jenna Monnin, Katelyn Monnin, Kendall Monnin, Kelsey Robinson, Ashley Scott, and Becca Seger.

Grade 10: Jessica Colby, Kayla Coverstone, Natalie Klosterman, Dawson Luthman, Andrea Monnin, Sarah Pinchot, Jason Siefring, and Jessica York.

Grade 11: Savannah Albers, Shea Borchers, Augustine Cordonnier, Jenna Cordonnier, Emma Delaet, Anna Fiessinger, Kennedie Goubeaux, Kaylee Hiatt, Daniel Kearns, Lee Magoto, Christina Mendoza, Claire Meyer, Laurissa Poling, Hannah Vallandingham, Grace Voisard, Faith Apple (UVCC), Raven Boerger (UVCC), Rebecca Osborne (UVCC), and Tyler Scott (UVCC).

Grade 12: Xavier Cordonnier, Claudia Counts, Luke Dahlinghaus, Megan Frazier, Claudia Heitkamp, Lauren Monnin, Madeline Moorman, Rebecca Pinchot, Dion Puthoff, Carter Stueve, Cameo Wilson, Levi Lavy (UVCC), Danielle Luthman (UVCC), Whitney Pleiman (UVCC), and Olivia Quinter (UVCC).

Special honors (3.6-3.99)

Grade 7: Kody Barhorst, Michael Bell, Jilian Chapman, Ross Fiessinger, Graci McClenen, Kayli McClenen, Anna Meyer, Alexis Monnin, Audrey Stickel, and Chase Stueve.

Grade 8: Riley Hammonds, Jonas Magoto, Aiden Shappie, Jackson Sherman, Lucy Tumbusch, Olivia Vallandingham, and Isabel Voisard.

Grade 9: Austin Cordonnier, Jake Goubeaux, Tori Heuing, Braden Hiatt, and Alyssa Magoto.

Grade 10: Clare Caldwell, Mason Dapore, Andrew Deloye, Alexis Fairchild, Alana Gariety, Abigail Grillot, Caleb Monnin, Olivia Moorman, Christian Stueve, and Hayley Supinger.

Grade 11: Madison Courter, Carter Francis, Samantha Gaerke, Gavin George, Gregory Goubeaux, Will Sherman, Henry Tumbusch, Morgan Wenrick, Evan Coverstone (UVCC), Breanna Kittel (UVCC), and Hunter Lloyd (UVCC).

Grade 12: Zachary Bell, Jack Dapore, Daril Lavy, Mitchell Heuing (UVCC), and Destiny Osborne (UVCC).

Honors (3.2-3.59)

Grade 7: Kelby Doseck, Seth Hiatt, Grace Holscher, and Miah Monnin.

Grade 8: Ethan Luthman, Bailey Pohlman, and Leanne York.

Grade 9: Jonathan Bell, Nicholas Caldwell, Olivia Cook, Casey Delaet, Kyleigh Gardner, Hanna Heitkamp, Lauren Monnier, and Drew Sherman.

Grade 10: Max Bohman, Alexus Booker, Owen Counts, Adam Dapore, Will Magoto, Klaryssa O’Reilly, and Ajay Seger.

Grade 11: Jordan Busse, Noah Magoto, Evan Monnier, Kaleb Sowards, Michael York, and Katelynn Heuing (UVCC).

Grade 12: Thomasina Francis.

Russia Local School

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