Out of the past

125 Years

May 16, 1893

There has been considerable said about the street and alley crossings that are to be put down to help out the good sidewalks. It does seem that corporation ought to do its part as promptly as a resident does his share, and if this were done the six or seven miles of walk now down would be more highly appreciated. There is no sign yet of the street and alley crossings, but it is said the solicitor and engineer are hard at work on ordinances and plans that will cover the crossings, in a sense.


The Arcade Grocery is advertising brooms with eight-foot handles to be used for house cleaning of ceilings.

100 Years

May 16, 1918

A large audience was on hand last evening when the May Festival and Gymnasium exhibition of the Y.M.G.A. was presented in the high school auditorium under the direction of Prof. and Mrs. Rendlen. The opening number was a Living Picture, including all members having a part in the festival. A patriotic scene, it had Miss Wilda Watson as the Goddess of Liberty.


Mayor Forsyth received today a communication instructing him to see that all loafers, tramps and vagrants be put to work willingly or unwillingly.


Perry Township High school will hold its annual commencement at Pemberton the evening of May 23. The graduates are: Ralph L. Boyer, Euarda Trowbridge, Esther Drerr, Laura Ammon, and Wilda Baker.

75 Years

May 16, 1943

Sidney and Shelby county will be blacked out sometime the evening of May 27 in connection with a district warning area blackout, according to an announcement received today by Commander A.N. Hemmert of the Sidney Civilian Defense Corps.


Miss Irma Flanagan, 133 North Wilkinson avenue, is the new manager of the Capitol theatre on North Main avenue. She succeeds Mrs. James Tompkins who has been transferred to a theatre in her hometown of Coshocton. Miss Flanagan has been associated with the Warner theatres in Sidney since 1939 and for the past year has been assistant manager for Clarence Sietz, manager of the Ohio.

50 Years

May 16, 1968

Book and Travel Club members held their final meeting for the 1967-68 club year in the home of Mrs. Karl Freytag. During the brief business meeting Mrs. Clayton Kiracofe was named president with Mrs. R.E. Kolar the vice president.

Mrs. Kermit Kuck is the program chairman and will be assisted by Mrs. Freytag and Mrs. Kolar.


A total of 24 men left this morning for induction into the armed services, filling the Shelby County Selective Service Board’s quota for the month of May.

At the same time 43 additional men left aboard the two buses for pre-induction physical examinations. The contingent was one of the largest to leave Shelby county in almost two years.

25 Years

May 16, 1993

Whether developers of two major subdivisions in north Sidney – Plum Ridge and Eagle Glen – knew that the City of Sidney had a plan on the books since the 1950s to put in an “inner belt” cutting through those subdivisions sparked heated debate at the Sidney Planning Commission Monday night.

The commission eventually opted to deny a revised preliminary plat for the Eagle Glen Subdivision that would have changed the right of way width on Hoewisher Road from 80 to 60 feet. The revision was proposed by Northland Development Co. with the idea of reducing traffic on the section of Hoewisher Road going through Eagle Glen and Plum Ridge.

It would have changed the designation on that section of Hoewisher Road from a main thoroughfare to a collector street. At this time, city plans call for Hoewisher Road to be linked up with Fourth Avenue to provide a beltway for those who don’t want to go downtown to get from east to west Sidney.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org