Out of the past

125 Years

May 25, 1893

The board of education met last evening with every member present. A resolution fixing the levy for school purposes for the ensuing year at seven mills on the dollar was passed. Among those matters, with which the board is at present wrestling, are some 50 applications for the position of superintendent of the public schools.


At the Progressive Union meeting last night a proposal was made that an ordinance be adopted requiring businessmen to remove their signs from over the sidewalks and keep the sidewalks clear of boxes and other articles. A committee will present the proposal to council.

100 Years

May 25, 1918

As a result of the district meeting of manufacturers held at Lima earlier this week, a meeting of local manufacturers was held in the Commercial Club rooms last evening. I.H. Thedieck presided, reviewing the objectives of a war industries commission. Following the plan proposed at Lima, it was unanimously decided to organize a Sidney War Industries commission, reactivating the old Manufacturers Association for this purpose.


Eighteen members of the Junior class were guests last evening of Merle Miller. The group included Misses Agnes Bayley, Vera Allen, Lenora Flinn, Dorothy Roy, Beulah Young, Dorothy Loudenback, Cora Taylor, Zelma Sargeant, Edna Heiser, and Messrs. Homer Swain, Roger McMillin, Robert Bender, Robert Greer, Walter Wintringham, William Wilson, Willard Heck, and Harold Barger.

75 Years

May 25, 1943

Mrs. G.A. Hausfeld has been named as Shelby county’s representative for the month of April in the county-wide war bond drive, it was announced today from state headquarters in Cleveland. She was accorded the recognition for her work in the sale of stamps and bonds in the schools and women’s organizations.


In preparation for the district blackout scheduled for Thursday night, all members of the Sidney civilian defense corps are asked to report to the city building tomorrow evening for the issuance of helmets for their respective branches. These will be worn by corps members and serve as identification during the blackout period.

50 Years

May 25, 1968

Thomas M. Archer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Archer, R.R. 1, Sidney, a sophomore in the College of Agriculture at Ohio State University has been selected for membership in the Towers Agricultural Honorary Society there.

The society is an organization which recognizes students for academic achievement and active participation in campus activities. Membership is reserved for outstanding students.


Another step leading to the appointment of Sheriff Robert Burns as Sidney postmaster has been taken, it was learned today. Both Ohio Sens. Frank J. Lausche and Stephen Young have approved the recommendation made several weeks ago by the Shelby County Democrat central committee and forwarded it to the postal department.

From there, the appointment is expected to go to President Johnson and ultimate confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

25 Years

May 25, 1993

The sixth annual Rae Burick Women in Sports awards dinner will recognize nearly 50 nominees from Miami Valley high schools including one from Sidney, on June 2 at the Hara Arena Conference Center.

Sidney High senior standout Heather Ward is one of the nominees. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward of 1836 Cheryl Place.

The nominees and winners are recognized for more than their athletic performances while representing area high schools. The judges also look for outstanding academic accomplishments, contributions to the community, sportsmanship, leadership ability and service to their schools.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org