Out of the past

125 years ago

June 2, 1893

The school board met last evening and elected S.F. Root as truant officer for the ensuing year at a salary of $100 a year. The following teachers were elected at a salary of $40 a month: Maude DeWeese, Jennie Hitchcock, Eva Ailes, and Nannie Robertson. May Wicoff and Cara Zuver were elected at $45 per month. Ida Haslup was elected principle of the high school at a salary of$1,100 a year and Kate Munford was re-elected assistant and her salary increased to $675. No decision was reached on a superintendent.


J.W.K.Williams, a bright Green township young man, graduated from the Cincinnati law school on Wednesday evening.

100 years ago

June 2, 1918

Charles Rostron has sold his interest in the shoe store of Timeus and Rostron and has purchased an interest in the H.T. Gabriel shoe store at Troy. The store will be known as Gabriel and Rostron. Samuel Harmon and William Vossler have taken an interest in the store here with Fred Timeus and the new firm will be known as the Timeus Shoe Co.


Fully 350 persons partook of the fish supper served by the ladies of the Methodist Church last evening for War Chest workers. Solicitors from all over Shelby county were present. Robert George Patterson, editor of Patterson’s Magazine and field secretary of the Y.M.C.A., was the guest speaker. The drive will open Monday.

75 years ago

June 2, 1943

A special meeting of the city council has been called for this evening for the purpose of considering the change of time for Sidney from eastern standard time to eastern daylight time. Indications are that council will act favorably on the proposal.


Twenty-two Shelby county men will leave Thursday for military service, following their passing physical examinations at Fort Hayes, Columbus.


Mrs. Urban Doorley was elected president of the Book club, when members met for their final meeting of the year in the home of Mrs. Harry K. Forsyth, North Ohio avenue. Mrs. H.A. Amos was named vice-president: Mrs. Charles Hall, secretary, and Mrs. Forsyth, treasurer.

50 years ago

June 2, 1968

Jerry Dahlinghaus recorded a noteworthy 400-37 out of a possible 400-40, to lead shooters in the Valley City Rifle Club’s weekly nocturnal match on the local organization’s range Friday night.


A total of $775 in scholarship money was distributed among six 1968 graduates at commencement exercises held in Russia Local School.

Leonard Monnin received $300;David Moorman, $200; Robert Borchers, $150; Shirley Frances and Michael Cordonnier received $50 each, and Michael Schafer received $25.

25 years ago

June 2, 1993

A Sidney firefighter was treated and released at Wilson Memorial Hospital early this morning after he slipped while fighting a kitchen fire and fractured his leg. Urban Naseman, 38, may be off the job for as long as six weeks, said Fire Chief R. Stanley Crosley. Naseman and other Sidney fire fighters were called to the fire at 411 S. Main Ave. In a fire handle by the fire department on Tuesday, a wood shingle roof sustained $50- worth of damage when juveniles threw a firecracker on it.


Christopher S. Spitler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hogue, was recently initiated into the Ohio Northern University chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau industrial technology honorary. He is a senior majoring in industrial technology. Epsilon Pi Tau is an honorary for education in technology whose purposes are in advance understanding, appreciation and awareness of technology as both an enduring and influential human endeavor and an integral element of culture.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org