Russia BOE approves 5-year forecast


RUSSIA — The five-year forecast for Russia Local Schools was reviewed during the Oct. 10 meeting of the Russia School Board.

The approval process for Five-Year Forecasts is being changed across Ohio. Plans must be submitted at the end of November instead of the end of October.

The five-year forecast shows a renewal levy needs to be passed by November 2019. The levy discussed would be an operating levy.

There was also discussion in the context of the five-year forecast of a permanent levy that would help to secure funds for operating expenses on a consistent basis. The Board discussed the upside of such a policy, namely the expenses avoided by not having to organize operating levies, and the prospect of guaranteed revenue. The downside to such a policy might be, according to the Board’s deliberations, a perception that a permanent levy might not be necessary and that a permanent levy might prove unpopular if the public thought that it would continue indefinitely.

The five-year forecast was unanimously approved.

An update was given on the plan to update the Russia Local School’s playground. A committee had been formed to consider the issue and plan the update.

The last issue discussed was the re-approval of a contract for a snow-plowing service. A new company was hired last year, and the consensus in the meeting was that the company was doing a good job. The Board agreed that the current company — Groff Mowing and Lawn Care — is doing a great job for the district.

In other business, the board:

• Employed Amanda Brandewie, Hope Ruhenkamp and Tina Edwards as substitute teachers at a rate of $90 per day.

• Employed Luke Dapore as seventh-grade girls basketball coach at $1,030 for the 2018-19 school year.

• Employed David York as eighth-grade girls basketball coach at $1,030 for the 2018-19 school year.

Employed Al Puthoff as assistant junior high girls basketball coach at $687 for the 2018-19 school year.

• Employed Aaron Monnin as assistant varsity baseball coach at $1,029 for the 2018-19 school year.

• Accepted the resignation of Scott Phlipot as assistant varsity baseball coach and approved him as a volunteer assistant varsity baseball coach for the 2018-19 school year.

• Approved a contract with Southwestern Ohio EPC to purchase gas service from the lowest responsible bid submitted to the SWEPC for a period starting June 2020 and ending no later than June 2025.

• Accepted a donation of $1,000 from Pepsi-Cola to be used for athletics and scholarship fund.

The board’s next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 18, at 8 p.m. in the school library.

By Christopher Bulfinch

For the Sidney Daily News

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.

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