Lehman Science Olympiad team competes


SIDNEY — The Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad team has competed in two invitational tournaments.

Lehman Catholic placed 10th out of 18 teams at the Northmont Invitational on Saturday, Jan. 5. Freshmen, Adith Joshua George and Michael O’Leary, placed fourth in Water Quality. Senior Jacquelyn Schemmel and sophomore Alexandra Casillas placed fifth in Designer Genes.

Lehman Catholic placed 13th out of 29 teams at the Piqua Invitational on Saturday, Feb. 16. Seniors Nicholas Largent and Aaron Topp received third place medals in Mission Possible. Adith Joshua George and Michael O’Leary placed fifth in Water Quality.

Invitational tournaments are optional competitions that give teams a chance to practice their skills, tinker with their devices, and experience the difficulty level of tests and labs in a tournament setting. Lehman Catholic’s Science Olympiad Team consists of 20 high school students. Preparation for such competitions start in October and run through March.

Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad program is coordinated by Sister Ginny Scherer. Olympiad coaches who graciously volunteer their time are: Tracy Hall, Leah Bertke, Jim Hemm, Tom Frantz, Tom Largent, Jon Snyder, Kim Wenning and Steve Wenning,

Funding for the Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad program comes from: the Miami County Community Foundation, a Copeland-Emerson Grant; and the Lehman Catholic Science Department.

Lehman Catholic Seniors, Nicholas Largent and Aaron Topp, received third place medals for Mission Possible project at the Piqua Invitational.
https://www.sidneydailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2019/03/web1_ScienceOlympiadnew.jpgLehman Catholic Seniors, Nicholas Largent and Aaron Topp, received third place medals for Mission Possible project at the Piqua Invitational. Courtesy photo

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