Out of the past

125 years ago

November 30, 1894

There was a clever thief in the city yesterday. A man went to the stable owned by T.F. Shaw. He rented a horse and buggy to go out into the country, and he was to return by 6 p.m. but has not been seen back since. The man stated he was Muncie, Indiana.


Isaac Waddell, Tony Altenbach, Henry Dickas, .M. Bush and C.E. McClure went to Bellefontaine this morning to testify in a criminal case. Three fellows were charged with trying to dispose of three pairs of barber clippers. The men were bound over to the court on a bond of $1,000 each on a charge of receiving stolen property.

100 Years

November 30, 1919

J.E. Russell of Sidney has been selected as one of a committee named by the state board of agriculture to confer with representatives of the board. They will be making new rules to eliminate gambling and improper shows from county fairs in the state.


The county commissioners considered the issue of whether or not to increase wages for the janitoress of the court house and the caretaker of the court square. They did so. Mrs. Fitzpatrick will receive $55 a month and John Hennessey will have a salary of $15 a week.


Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hess and their sons Harry and Percy narrowly escaped death yesterday afternoon. The family was crossing the Big Four tracks at Walnut Street when the gate came crashing down on top of the car. The engine stalled. The family escaped before the freight train hit and completely destroyed the car.

75 Years

November 30, 1944

Dick Flanagan just completed a great freshman year at Ohio State. The football player was named Freshman of the Year. The team won the Western Conference championship. Flanagan was a star player for Sidney High School.


A total of 35 men left Sidney were induction into the armed forces. They reported to Fort Hayes in Columbus. They were under the care of James Wills and Jerome Cole.


County Health Commissioner L.E. Traul issued a scathing report on the condition of Starrett’s Run. It was presented to city council. Immediate action will be taken.

50 Years

November 30, 1969

The fourth county-wide ecumenical service will be sponsored by the Shelby County Ministerial Association. It will begin this Sunday and be at the First Christian Church, 212 North Maine Avenue in Sidney. Rev. Carol Bollinger of the GreenView United Church of Christ church will be the speaker. He will be assisted by Rev. John Brucker of St, Michael’s.


There has been a new Farm Bureau Council formed in the county. It was started when six couples met November 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Michael. Following an explanation by organization director Leonard Ott and his wife, the following officers were elected: Roger Lentz, chairman; James Michael, vice-chairman; Gary Michael, discussion leader; and Cheryl Michael, secretary.

25 Years

November 30, 1994

Although negotiations are continuing, it appears Honda of America, operating through the Honda Engine Plant will agree to build a new sewer facility for the Village of Anna. The cost of the plant will be about $2.9 million. The recent meeting have involved Honda, the village and the Ohio EPA. In related news, Honda Marysville recently exported its 100,000th car from the United States for sale elsewhere. It was a right had drive car. Honda’s president commented, “We follow the Nike slogan of ‘Just Do It.’”


Leo “Legs” Francis considers himself a miracle man. Just one year ago, he had lung cancer. The cancer had spread to his lymph nodes and was moving aggressively with his body. He underwent radiation treatments and took two alternative medicines. Recent tests shocked the doctors. The cancer was completely gone. Francis is back at work. His story is known to all in Russia. He started Francis Products, which is now the present day Clopay.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org