Village of Anna seeks fund through CARES Act

ANNA – The Village of Anna anticipates receiving $39,301 through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Fiscal Officer Stacy Meyer reported during the June 23 village council meeting.

Council passed a resolution stating the village will follow federal guidelines within the CARES Act related to COVID-19 expenses and declared an emergency. The village is in the registration process, Meyer said.

Administrator Mike Homan reported the 2020 sidewalk program has been delayed due to COVID-19.

Pavement patching will be done in July.

Phase I of the South Street reconstruction is complete. Currently, Ohio Public Works Commission does not have anything available. Homan will apply for phase II in late summer/early fall of this year.

The driveway at 308 N. Pike St. meets the zoning regulations, according to the ordinance, and cleanup is complete. The property at 302 S. Pike St. is on Homan’s property maintenance list of eight properties.

A resident submitted a list of questions, and Homan will communicate responses.

The last time the village attempted a newsletter, only one report was received. If a newsletter is something the village wants to do, departments will need to submit reports/information to be compiled, Homan said.

Auxiliary Officer Kris Lee said Police Chief Scott Evans’ last working day would be July 1. Evans would begin his vacation time starting July 6 and go to his retirement date of July 31.

Office supplies have been purchased to bring the police office current.

Marissa Kennedy was introduced and spoke briefly. She has applied for an auxiliary position with the police department and will go to the next safety meeting. Kennedy finished the academy in 2018 and is looking for as many hours as she can get.

Mayor Mark Pulfer reported the next mayor’s meeting was scheduled for June 29. Doors were to remain locked and meetings were to be by appointment only because of distancing requirements and the small lobby. Adjustments could be made in late July, depending on the COVID-19 situation.

Solicitor Aaron Lowe drafted a letter regarding the waterway proposal for the Anna Truck Stop. The permit through the Ohio Department of Transportation is scheduled to expire Sept. 11, and they had until July 6 to respond.

Various plans have been reviewed concerning the northeast drainage. The public works committee is recommending the design estimate for approximately $400,000. That design would go down the center of the roads. Council voted to move forward with the northeast drainage project.

The deadline for property maintenance completion is July 7. Homan will evaluate each property and report at the next council meeting. He also will look into the zoning regulations for campers parked on the street for long periods of time.

Pool fence zoning will be reevaluated.

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will begin the process of terminating the March 31 order preventing municipalities from disconnecting water service for non-payment. As of July 10, water service can be disconnected for non-payment. The village has waived utility bill late fees during this time, for the months of April, May and June. The payments due in July will have late fees applied, if not paid on time.

Shot gun and assault riffle prices were presented for purchase by the police department. Council agreed on the gun purchases totaling $905 through Tactical Solutions.

Public Works Superintendent Lindsey Alexander received the directional hydrant flushing information from Homan and will schedule dates for hydrant flushing.

The Community Foundation grant application deadline is Aug. 4. Homan will apply for the grant, and suggestions are welcome.

The Kies Annexation Ordinance will be on the next agenda to adopt and finalize the annexation.

Invoices totaling $15,214.85 were presented for payment and approved.

The parks and recreation committee will meet at 5 p.m. July 14, the finance and personnel committee will meet at 6 p.m. July 14, and the public works committee will meet at 6 p.m. July 28.

Council entered executive session to discuss pending litigation. No action was taken.