Out of the past


125 years

August 26, 1896

Nelson Ague will entertain Louis Kah, Jr. and a party of gentlemen friends to a supper at Tawawa Lake tonight. The supper is being given in payment of a bet made with Mr. Kah that McKinley would not receive the Republican nomination for president.


The popular song social given at the home of Dr. A.W. Reddish on North Ohio Avenue last night, was fairly well attended. It was under the auspices of the young Ladies’ Missionary Society of the M.E. Church. The program was presented in the yard which was decorated with lighted Chinese lanterns.

100 years

August 26, 1921

Interest in the big commercial and industrial exposition seems to grow. Large crowds were about the square yesterday afternoon and evening, and it is estimated that as many as 20,000 were on hand during the evening. One of the most interesting features in connection with the exposition is “Jumbo Jr. – the only wire-walking elephant in the world.” Exhibitions are given every afternoon and evening on the wire stretched across Poplar Street between the tops of the Knitting Mills building and the Oldham building.


The gas well on the Graham farm northwest of the city on the St. Marys pike, was shot yesterday afternoon, resulting in a good flow of gas and some difficulty in capping. Dr. James, who was in charge of the drilling, said the well showed wonderful prospects and work of cleaning it out would begin at once.

75 years

August 26, 1946

The electors of Sidney will be given the opportunity to express their wishes on two additional matters of legislation at the November election. Council approved a parks and playgrounds ordinance and another for submission of charge government legislation. The recreation measure calls for a $250,000 bond issue.


Shelby County Representative Roy Harmony will go to Chicago on Thursday to attend a meeting of governors and commissioners on interstate cooperation and unemployment compensation. The meeting is to work out technical aspects in integrating the program.

50 years

August 26, 1971

Thomas Pleiman, Fort Loramie, has been elected to membership by the National Board of Directors of the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association. Membership in this national dairy breed organization is held in high esteem by its 7,850 members who own approximately 98,000 registered Ayrshire cattle.


A Shelby County 4-Her, Miss Deb Maurer, 18, Botkins, will conclude her years’ service as a 1971 Ohio 4-H Fashion Board member by participating in special events at the Ohio State Fair, August 31-September 3.

25 years

August 26, 1996

PHOTO: Tom and Maggie Welch of Sidney grew this “Killer”–sized tomato in their back yard garden. The red, ripe tomato had a circumference of 17 ½ inches and weighed more than 38 ounces (2 pounds, six ounces). Now, the only thing the North West Avenue couple have to do is find a large onion and buy 10 pounds of hamburger.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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