Wilson Health to purchase Panda warmer

SIDNEY — Residents turn to Wilson Health for all kinds of care, but some of the happiest care comes from the Copeland Emerson Family Birth Center. Wilson Health Foundation is participating in the Community Foundation’s Match Day for the first time and will raise funds for equipment for newborns.

“Each year more than 600 hundred babies are born at the Family Birth Center at Wilson Health. A machine known as a Panda warmer is located in the newborn nursery and used to monitor a baby. When a newborn requires extra care and attention and can’t be in their parent’s arms, a Panda warmer is the best option,” said Karla Young, executive director of Wilson Health Foundation. “A Panda warmer is an all-in-one solution to help babies go home healthy and Match Day gifts will allow us to purchase a new one.”

Babies born by C-section, male babies following circumcision and any infant that would require stabilization prior to a transfer to a higher level of care would all use the Panda warmer more extensively. They help the Wilson Health Family Birth Center staff monitor all babies to provide appropriate care.

To support Wilson Health Foundation on Match Day, gifts must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County with: Match/Wilson Health noted on the memo or in an accompanying note or form. Details and forms are available at the Community Foundation website at commfoun.com and at Wilson Health’s hospital front desk or its Foundation office on Fairington Dr. Gifts must be received on or before Nov. 30 to be eligible for matching money. Credit card gifts may be made only on Nov. 30.

The Community Foundation of Shelby County holds its Match Day event annually on Giving Tuesday. Twenty-three local charities will ask supporters to make a gift to the Community Foundation that will be matched up to a total of $5,000 per charity.

Match Day participating organizations have a 501(c)(3) tax status and an organization fund within the Community Foundation of Shelby County with an asset balance exceeding the Foundation’s fund minimum. Gifts received will not be placed into an organization’s fund, but instead will be returned to the organization for its work in the community.

Wilson Health Foundation will use gifts given during Match Day to purchase a Panda warmer for infants in the Birth Center.
https://www.sidneydailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/11/web1_Wilson-Health1.jpgWilson Health Foundation will use gifts given during Match Day to purchase a Panda warmer for infants in the Birth Center. Courtesy photo