RACK helps families in need


RUSSIA — The RACK group from Russia is preparing for its first Community Foundation of Shelby County Match Day and plans to use gifts to support those who are financially affected by medical problems, loss of jobs or unexpected disruptions of home life. RACK stands for Random Acts of Christian Kindness.

In existence since 2009, RACK helps families that have had difficulty making ends meet and paying bills due to illness, work situations, loss of spouse or being a single parent, or through unstable economic situations. It is totally supported by donations and grants.

“We assist with utility bills, medical bills, mortgage or rent, supply grocery and gas cards when multiple trips to hospitals are needed for chemo or doctors appointments. Most need short term assistance, but at times they can go on for months,” said Pat Simon, president. “We have also assisted with funerals, housing repairs, and wheelchair ramps when needed and families are unable to afford these.”

Earlier this year, RACK paved a driveway for a family whose child was being pushed up and down a gravel driveway in a wheelchair to the school bus. They also provided an awning and ramp for the family so their child could be with them for family time on their patio.

“We also provide meals, cards, prayers and emotional support for families in need,” said Simon.

To support RACK on Match Day, gifts must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County with: Match/RACK noted on the memo or in an accompanying note or form. Details and forms are available at the Community Foundation website at commfoun.com and by contacting any RACK board member. Gifts must be received on or before Nov. 30 to be eligible for matching money. Credit card gifts may be made only on Nov. 30.

The Community Foundation of Shelby County holds its Match Day event annually on Giving Tuesday. Twenty-three local charities will ask supporters to make a gift to the Community Foundation that will be matched up to a total of $5,000 per charity.

Match Day participating organizations have a 501(c)(3) tax status and an organization fund within the Community Foundation of Shelby County with an asset balance exceeding the Foundation’s fund minimum. Gifts received will not be placed into an organization’s fund, but instead will be returned to the organization for its work in the community.

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