Out of the past


125 Years

February 17, 1897

The decision by vote of last spring in Sidney to change from a village to a city of the fourth class terminates the office of every officer of the city this spring, whether chosen by wards or from the city as a whole. The corporation ticket this year will be about twice as large as former years.


The Democratic ward meeting will be held in this city Monday evening, March 15, and the city and township ticket will be nominated Tuesday, March 16. The Republicans have not yet fixed upon the dates for making their city and township nominations.


Gus Sahlin will open a merchant tailoring establishment in the vacant room over Piper’s dry good store next week.

100 Years

February 17, 1922

The J.T. Martin lot on East Court street was leased this week by D.C. Kocher and F.K. Copeland, of Lima, who announced their intentions of starting a lumber yard at the location.


Two more homes on Dixie highway between Sidney and Anna have installed Delco Light, making five installations between the two communities Asa Fogt, of Fogt and Fleckenstein Co., plans to use his Delco for pumping his water supply.


Tomorrow night Sidney High school’s gymnasium will be the scene of what is expected to be the fastest game of the season, when the Urbana High school tangles with the Orange and Black Quintet. The Urbana team defeated the local quintet earlier in the season.

75 Years

February 17, 1947

Walter C. Meranda, Jackson Center, was awarded the “Silver Beaver” award for distinguished service to boyhood during the annual Dayton-Miami Valley Scout conclave held over the weekend at the Miami Hotel in Dayton. Also during the meeting, three Shelby county men were named to the district council’s executive board: Urban H. Doorley, W.R. Minton, and Cecil Quellhorst. With his selection for the “silver beaver” award, Meranda becomes one of 40 men in the district to be so honored.


Nan Merriman, American mezzo-soprano, who has soared to success in the concert and radio fields, will sing in Sidney at the Warner Ohio theatre the night of Feb. 27 in the third concert of the 1946-47 Community Concert series.


Miss Gloria Howe, of Anna and Miss Martha Metz, of Botkins, were among the 24 student nurses who received their caps in ceremonies Friday evening at Lima Memorial hospital.

50 Years

February 17, 1972

Joe Steinke, Sidney real estate broker, announced the purchase this week by Dr. Edward A. Link of the McCorkle Medical building on Third avenue at Michigan street. Dr. Link is presently located in a building at 1443 North Main avenue.


WASHINGTON – Repeating the words on a plaque left on the moon by Apollo astronauts – “We came in peace for all mankind” – President Nixon left today on his historic mission to China to mark the end of 20 years of cold war between the two nations.

25 Years

February 17, 1997

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the House committee investigating campaign fund raising said he has issued nearly two dozen new subpoenas and is looking into reports that the Chinese government wanted to contribute to the Democratic Party.


Today marks the observance of Presidents Day – a day to celebrate the contributions made by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and others who have held the highest elected office in the land.

The Sidney Daily News contacted presidents of various clubs and organizations throughout Shelby County and asked them to name their favorite U.S. president.


Glen E. “Bo” Schembechler, former football coach of the University of Michigan Wolverines, will be the principal speaker at the Lehman High School Foundation Banquet, school officials announced today. The annual banquet, designed to raise funds for the Lehman High School Foundation is scheduled for March 15 at the high school.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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