New Bremen prepares for construction project

NEW BREMEN – Typical summer activities from street construction to swimming pool openings were discussed at the May 9 New Bremen village council meeting.

Village Administrator Brent Richter said the $1.5 million Jefferson Street reconstruction project has begun, with sanitary lines now being installed at the entrance to Bremenfest park. He said people wishing to access the park will need to go through the Pioneer subdivision.

The project, which runs from state Route 274 to the municipal pool entrance, will replace the entire infrastructure of the street, from the utility services lines to new sidewalks, gutters, and curbs and street surface. A stretch of Jefferson between the pool and Klee will simply be resurfaced. Work is expected to be done by October 2022.

The prospect of purchasing a new-to-the-village leaf vacuum was discussed, with Richter saying a 2004 refurbished ODB 800 truck-mounted 25 yard debris remover mounted on a 2004 freightliner FL-70 chassis was available for $121,000 through a state of Ohio Bidwell auction website. Richter said a new model could approach $250,000. The price would include the trade-in of the village’s current 1996 leaf vacuum which is no longer functioning. No decisions were made, but it was agreed to continue looking into the equipment, especially in regards to an extended warranty. Last fall, it was necessary for the Village of Minster to bring over its leaf removal equipment to assist in New Bremen leaf removal when New Bremen’s equipment failed.

The village administrator said bids to clean the wastewater lagoons will be opened May 31. Cleaning out the lagoons will help keep the wastewater treatment plant in compliance with EPA regulations.

Water supplies were also discussed. Richter said water well 2 had been cleaned. Well 9 and 10 are expected to undergo the same in the fall of 2022. The village water towers are slated to be cleaned and inspected in August of 2022.

The splash pad is expected to be open this weekend. It is currently undergoing its annual county health department inspection. The village pool is projected to be open by May 27.

The 2022 Summer Concert series at the Crown Pavilion may have the addition of a marketplace this year. Council member Jessica Lomakin said she is reaching out to local vendors to possibly set up stalls during the concert series. The series is set for June 12, July 10 and 31 and Aug. 14. Plum Street would be closed to allow the marketplace activities.

Several ordinances received their third and final readings.

Approved was a CRA agreement with KATS Real Estate LLC which will reduce the business’s real estate taxes by 45% for 10 years. KATS represents Platinum auto sales which is setting up a service center.

Also approved was a third reading of an ordinance transferring Lot 22 in Bunker Hill Industrial Park from the village of New Bremen to the Community Improvement Corp in preparation of the lot’s sale to KATS.

The Faith Alliance church sign will be allowed to expand from 15 square feet to 36 square feet with final approved of an ordinance allowing the expansion in a residential area.

Also, the council approved a final ordinance to accept an application to split a single lot into two at the Amsterdam Center. The land is located just south of the Wendy’s.

Mayor Robert Parker said fines, fees and forfeitures from the village mayor’s court were $989.

Council then adjourned to executive session to discuss property and employee issues. No action was taken when council returned to regular session.

By Sandy Rose Schwieterman

For the Sidney Daily News

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.