Shelby County expected to receive $150,000 through HUD program

SIDNEY – The second public hearing for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program discussing the possible allocation of funds was held on May 24 at 9:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ meeting room.

The first public hearing was held at 9:30 a.m. on March 15. These public hearings were required by the program to provide citizens with information about the program and eligible projects that Shelby County can use the money toward if it is awarded money. There were no citizens in attendance at the May 24 meeting. The deadline for the county to apply is June 15.

For a county project to qualify for the allocation of funds, there must be a low and moderate-income (LMI) benefit, it must aid in the elimination of slums and blight, or it must meet an urgent need of the community. This includes projects like housing rehabilitation, economic development and public works improvements. The CDBG program is part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is one of the longest-running programs in the department.

The county is expected to be given $150,000. This is the last time the CDBG funds will be allocation-based; after these funds are distributed, the funds will be provided on a competitive basis.

The list of projects that the county is looking to pursue includes:

• A planning only grant for an environmental management system (EMS) study in the LMI areas of Shelby County that will essentially involve analysis and data gathering for future use

• Phase one of the Jackson Center stormwater project to reduce the amount of flooding on East Pike Street

• A development plan for LMI areas of Shelby County so more towns can consider projects like the Jackson Center stormwater project

Other programs that offer funding that Shelby County may apply for include the Community Development Allocation Program, the Community Housing Impact & Preservation Program (CHIP), Neighborhood Revitalization, Downtown Revitalization, Critical Infrastructure, and any new programs announced under the Community Development Program.

Shelby County will also be submitting a project to Critical Infrastructure for potential funding. The project involves improving the current condition of the Arrowhead Subdivision wastewater plant because it is noncompliant with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) requirements. The pre-application deadline for this program is on June 3, and the whole application is due on June 15. All communities are eligible to apply for this program every year, so it is competitive.

By Charlotte Caldwell

[email protected]

Reach the writer at 937-538-4824.