Out of the past

125 Years

May 10, 1898

Sunday was a gala day for all the boys at Camp Bushnell in Columbus, and especially for the boys of Company L. Scarcely had they finished cleaning up their quarters after breakfast when the Sidney delegation began to arrive. The first delegation number about 150. They had taken the 3 a.m. train from Piqua and arrived at the camp about 8 o’clock. Altogether it is estimated that 300 persons from Shelby County visited the camp during the day.


C.B. Orbison returned home Saturday from Chicago, where he has been taking a post graduate course in the Chicago Dental College. He received his post graduate degree. He expects to open an office in this city in the near future.

100 Years

May 10, 1923

Through the efforts of H.E. Bennett, a new sign has come to Sidney. The first to be placed in operation in southwestern Ohio, the sign has been erected on the roof of the Bennett building. It is an electric sign and operates similar to moving pictures. It will be placed in operation for the first time tomorrow night.

C.P. Rogers left today for Columbus to attend the two-day meeting of the Ohio Bill Posters Association being held in that city. Mr. Rogers has been in the bill posting business in Sidney since 1872 and is one of the seven who assisted in organizing the state association, and one of the two surviving.

75 Years

May 10, 1948

Approximately $150,000 has been paid out in settlement of 600 claims for damages against the Shelby County Farmers Mutual Insurance association of Anna, as a result of the tornado which struck the northern part of the county last Mar. 19, it was announced today by officials of the Anna firm.


Contributions to the 1948 Red Cross fund drive stood at $10,743 today, slightly more than $4,000 short of the goal of $14,780.


Approximately 150 track hopefuls, representing the eight county high schools, will participate in the county-wide track meet to be held Saturday afternoon at Julia Lamb field.

50 Years

May 10, 1973

Sidney City School Boards last night hired a new band director to replace John Garren, who has given his resignation.

John Blevins, a graduate of Miami University and one-time drum major of the marching band there will take over as band director in the fall.


TROY – Sidney has some pretty fair country shooters in its police department. A little more than a month ago, Sidney officer Roger Baker fired a 513 including nine X’s, out of a possible 600, with his pistol to take top honors in a police pistol shoot at Piqua.

Saturday, Sidney Patrolman Ron Chiles was the leading gunner for the day, outshooting all 50 participating officers on the Troy range. Chiles came through with a perfect score and won the trophy in the distinguished class.

25 Years

May 10, 1998

FORT LORAMIE – Fort Loramie American Legion Auxiliary members will sponsor two high school juniors to Buckeye Girls State. Two be held June 13-20 at Ashland University.

Kara Schafer and Kate Monnin were chosen as delegates following interviews by auxiliary members. Schafer is the daughter of Randy and Kathy Schafer, and Monnin is the daughter of Greg and Sue Monnin.

Chosen as alternates were Jennifer Bornhorst, daughter of Tony and Joyce Bornhorst, and Kay Puthoff, daughter of Paul Puthoff and Janice Smith, both juniors at Fort Loramie,

Delegates and alternates will attend orientation sessions in Sidney in May, reported Americanism chairman Esther Seger.


Sidney Parks and Recreation Director Robert New updated Sidney City Council at Monday’s workshop session on what would be involved in establishing a park for skateboarding and in-line skating in the city. The last presentation before council on the issue was in 1994.

New reported that the estimated cost of such a park is still around $50,000. The park is currently an ”unfunded item” in the city’s five-year financial plan, but is expected to surface when council conducts its annual review of the plan. Council R. Michael Burns and Mayor Tom Miller said that they continue to get calls expressing interest in such a park.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.