Bids sought for multipurpose building

JACKSON CENTER — Plans are underway for the construction of new multipurpose storage building for Jackson Center School.

During the May 15 board of education meeting, Superintendent Bill Reichert and Board Member Matt Kohler, provided an update on the planning for a potential multipurpose storage building and some of the design variations and related costs that could occur based on what the final size might be. Also discussed was a $50,000 safety grant awarded by the Ohio Facilties Commission to Jackson Center, with the plan being to use the grant for security camera upgrades, additional cameras and other safety related purchases.

After hearing their report, the board approved a motion to seek bids for the potential construction of a multipurpose building across the road from the track and soccer facility. The project will provide storage for track and sports equipment, some maintenance storage, as well as concessions and restrooms for the outdoor sports venues.

Shelby County Sheriff Jim Frye and previous Shelby County Sheriff, John Lenhart were also in attendance at the meeting They briefed the board on potential training programs available to assist in continuing to improve a safe and secure school environment.

PreK-5 Principal Ginger Heuker said state test results for math would be coming out in the next day or so and provided an overview of what end of school year activities would be taking place, including Pre-K graduation, award ceremonies, a talent show and field day. Grades 6-12 Principal Jeff Reese shared a few highlights for graduation ceremony plans, including confirmation that the graduate parade will again occur and the route changed slightly.

In other business, the board:

• Accepted a $4,000 donation from Doug Townsend of Townsend Electric for the jazz band. .

• Accepted a 3-D Printer donation from Jeff and Katie Winemiller and Precision Details Inc. The board noted the on-going interest and support the Winemillers have provided to the school over the years and thanked them for that support.

• Approved the policy and plan for the identification of gifted children issued by the Midwest Regional Educational Service Center (MRESC).

• Approved the financial reports as presented. The state biennial budget passed the House and is now being considered in the Senate These will be the third and fourth years of a proposed six year phase in. Revenues continue to outpace expenditures and the five-year forecast has improved as a result.

• Approved the five-year forecast, notes and assumptions which must be submitted to the Ohio Department of Education by the end of May. Highlights of the forecast included a growing carryover balance over the five years while uncertainty about the economic forecast did impact growth forecasting for, mainly, income tax related revenue.

• Approved the resignation of Katelyn Reese, intevention specialist, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year. She will be transferring to the MRESC to an idenitcal position:

• Approved the employment of Cindy Monnin, intervention specialist.

• Approved the employment of Tiffany Miller, Educational Sign Language Interpreter.

• Approved contracts beginning in the 2023-24 school year for Amber Armburster, Tiffany Brown, Tyler Claus, Kim Hale, Calli Keplinger, Daniel McPherson, Hope Ruhenkamp, Tara Shuster, David Staub and Andrea Webb. Everyone received a one-year limited contract with the exceptions of Keplinger and Shuster, who received three-year limited contracts.

Next board meeting will be June 19 at 7 p.m.