To the editor:

Recent public polling shows that most Americans of all political affiliations, Democrats and Republicans, oppose the extreme practice of late term abortions.

On Oct. 11, early voting in Ohio began. It continues thru November 7, election day. For the first time, we will all have the opportunity, and people of faith will have the moral obligation, to use our vote to defeat Issue 1. We have the capability of banning the horrific procedure called Partial Birth Abortion in the state of Ohio, permanently.

As the old saying goes,“Out of sight, Out of mind.” If we were all to witness a Partial Birth Abortion, I believe Issue 1 would be defeated soundly.

For those of you who are unaware of what occurs when the abortionist performs a painful, late term, Partial Birth Abortion, please go to the website, Human Life International.

They have listed the five basic steps that are involved in a Partial Birth Abortion. In fact, this procedure is so violent and shocking, that if I were to list the steps, my Letter to the Editor would not get published in The Sidney Daily News. The abortion technique is too gruesome for our minds to even fathom.

If Issue 1 passes with a yes vote, late term Partial Birth Abortions will be allowed all the way up until the calculated time of natural birth.

You may think your one vote is not important, but in this election every single vote will be crucial and is a matter of life or death.

By voting “no” on Issue 1, you will also be protecting Parental Rights regarding a minor child risking any type of abortion or beginning sex change without parental consent or even notification.

Please, Vote “no” on State Issue 1.

Thank you,

Ruth Rutschilling

Maria Stein