Why should you vote?


I have had the opportunity in my lifetime to visit and even live in countries other than the United States of America. Those were all wonderful experiences, the longest being six months. But as wonderful as they were, I was always glad to come home. Personally I wish that more people could experience visiting or living in another country at some point in their life. You have a much better appreciation of the great nation that we live in. I’m not implying that other places are lacking in any particular measure, only that one can appreciate more what’s right under their nose.

This brings me to an important point. We have an opportunity to make a difference in this country. The Lord establishes rulers and authorities according to scripture, Romans 13:1 for example. “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” As you read on in that chapter you see that it is for our benefit that we live on earth in some kind of civil order. There is structure and purpose for that order just as significant as the laws of nature. In this country, a republic, we get to have a voice by exercising our responsibility to vote. I had a conversation recently with someone who said that they were not going to vote because they didn’t think it would matter anyway. I realize that there sometimes seems to be some ‘funny business’, maybe even worse, but, your responsibility as a God-fearing Christian citizen is to do your civic duty. If your vote is corrupted beyond you, that person or entity will have to give account to God for their actions. You will have done your duty and fulfilled your responsibilities.

Jesus tells his disciples in John 14:15-18, “If you love Me, keep My commandments, I’ll ask the Father to send you a Helper, who will lead you into all truth, those of the world will not recognize Him or receive Him but you will know Him because you know Me” (my paraphrase). Now, what if all Christ followers really sought the Lord and his truth as revealed by the Word and the spirit, and exercised our duty to vote, not by our own logic, but by eternal wisdom and truth? Do you think some of the ridiculous schemes developing in our nation could be thwarted? Do you think that the eternal God of all creation absolutely knows more than we do? Could each of us make a difference if we trusted our God for the truth that is so necessary today and cast our vote accordingly? It sometimes seems to me that we are unduly swayed by the media and other public opinions rather than seeking God on these matters. I understand, and I’m sure that you do as well, that we live in an imperfect culture. Ultimately, as believers we will one day live in a perfect environment, that is heaven. Jesus, in Matthew 6:10 says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done,(speaking of the Father), on earth as it is in heaven.” I understand that to mean that we should seek through prayer, and in this case voting, to increase on the earth the type of environment that exists in heaven. I hope that you can recognize our responsibility in this. Let’s not push this off to someone else to deal with while we have this great opportunity in this nation (and the state of Ohio) to make a positive and righteous stand.

Your vote will impact generations to come. If you haven’t already, please vote. Ask Jesus how he would vote and do accordingly.

The writer is the pastor of Christ the King Church near Jackson Center.

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