Community assessment survey underway

SIDNEY — Shelby County residents are urged to complete a 10-minute survey to gather input on local needs. The Community Needs Assessment is a free, voluntary survey for those high school age to senior citizens. Surveys are completely anonymous and responses are presented as a group.

“The assessment is an important tool to gauge what local residents see as priorities and where resources and effort should be focused in the coming years,” said Karla Young, Shelby County United Way president and CEO. “The information we gather will help us better serve our county, so we urge every person to complete a survey. Your input matters.”

Online and paper surveys are available. Online surveys are preferred to minimize the need to have responses keyed into the database. Interested residents can go to the website: or scan the QR code with their phone to access the survey. To request a paper survey, contact the Shelby County United Way office at 937-492-2101.

The Community Needs Assessment was last conducted in 2013. This year’s funding partners are the Shelby County United Way, the Community Foundation of Shelby County, the Sidney-Shelby County Health Department and the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services. Consultants Illuminology and OnPointe Strategic Insights developed the survey and process by collaborating with a committee representing the funding partners, schools, local government, the Chamber of Commerce, and many local agencies.

“Surveys should be completed as soon as possible, but will be accepted until mid-February,” said Young. “We want a huge number of surveys submitted, so the data reflects a lot of perspectives.”

In addition to surveys, the consultants will gather in-depth information from sources such as individual interviews and focus groups. Results and a process roadmap will be provided as early as this summer.