Pair advance in spelling bee

FORT LORAMIE — After 19 rounds of spelling, the word “congregation” resulted in the Fort Loramie Spelling Bee champion being named. Olivia Sanders was crowned Fort Loramie’s top speller. Olivia, daughter of Jeff and Christe Sanders, is in the seventh grade.

The annual competition for students in grades 4 through 8 took place recently at Fort Loramie Elementary School.

The runner-up was Hailey Meyer, eighth grader, daughter of Shaun and Leanne Meyer. The top elementary speller was Emma Werner, fourth grader, daughter of Craig and Sarah Werner. Per the rules of the school spelling bee, the top junior high and the top elementary speller from the competition get to advance to the regional spelling bee held in Lima in the spring. Therefore, Olivia and Emma will both be representing Fort Loramie in the upcoming bee.

Overall, 25 students participated while Frank Turner was the pronouncer and Laurie Nosek and Lisa Schmiesing were the judges.