Knupp blessed to be on ballot


To the editor,

I am blessed to be on the March 19, 2024, primary ballot for the Jan. 2, 2025 Shelby County Commissioner seat. I look forward to bringing a fresh set of eyes, and a younger perspective to the position to help build upon what has been done in recent years, and protect what we have for generations to come.

My wife Kaitlin and I are the fourth generation to live on our family farm in Green Township where we raise corn, soybeans, and wheat and have a few sheep. Up until last December I was employed by the Shelby County Highway Department, but due to the civil service laws of the state I had to resign from that position in order to run for County commissioner. In 2018 I was elected to Green Township Fiscal Officer, and I am currently starting my seventh year where I have spent a great deal of time learning local government funding, appropriations, and everything in between. In 2016 I began my training and got my start as a volunteer firefighter, and I continue to serve my community with a great group of guys at Fletcher Volunteer Fire Department. Being a volunteer firefighter has taught me a lot, and above all I have enjoyed helping people in need. I look forward to combining my farm and public service background with my township experience to best serve the people of Shelby county.

It has been asked many times while I have been out campaigning, if I think I am old enough to be a County Commissioner. My response has always been, yes! I know commissioner seats have traditionally been held by retirement age individuals, but I don’t think that is always necessary. I started learning from my grandpa at a very young age, and spent a lot of time with him, absorbing all the lessons over the years. As you can see at my young age, I have worn many different hats and learned a lot along the way. My generation gets criticized a lot for not being involved, and I say what better time than now. I believe my work ethic combined with my drive to research and learn will outweigh my lack of years.

I thank you all for your support this far, and I encourage you to vote now or on March 19, 2024.

Mack Knupp

Candidate for Shelby County Commissioner

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