Hanes appointed probationary firefighter


By Megan Lewis

For the Sidney Daily News

JACKSON CENTER — The Jackson Center Village Council voted to approve the appointment of Kyle Hanes as the new probationary firefighter. The fire department held their annual ladder inspection this month. It passed with a few issues that will be handled as soon as possible. They will be getting new radios installed in their trucks early next week. Tickets for the upcoming gun raffle the fire department hosts at Community Day will be on sale soon for interested parties.

The village decided to give all the government employees in Jackson Center a half day on April 8 because of the eclipse. The office will be closing at noon on that day and the council meeting scheduled to be held that night is canceled.

Sgt. Nicholas Honeycutt’s new police vehicle is getting its final touches. It will be hitting the streets as soon as Wednesday. The police department is looking for a new part-time police officer. Interested parties are encouraged to go to https://www.jacksoncenter.com/police-department/job-postings for more information on the position. Anna EMS is also hiring at all levels. Interested parties are asked to visit annarescuesquad.com for more information.

Jack Schumpert is the new wastewater superintendent as of March 1. Mayor Jesse Fark is putting together an interview team to handle the five applications they got for the part-time administrative clerk’s position.

The Jackson Center Pool has begun taking in applications for this year’s summer season. They are looking to hire lifeguards at $12.50 an hour and Slide Attendants at $10.50 an hour. If looking at the lifeguard position, you must already be certified in lifeguarding and CPR/First Aid prior to applying. They will reimburse you for half of the lifeguard class after you take it. Applications may be picked up from the village office during regular business hours or downloaded from the Village’s website at https://www.jacksoncenter.com/public-posting-of-legislation-before-council.

The Parks and Rec board will be meeting next week to discuss pool pricing and installing new security cameras on the property. Sip & Stream is making some progress and is planning to be open this spring. The People’s Savings & Loan are also making progress on their project and are planning for an April/May opening. While the meat processing operations at the new Curly’s Custom Meats location finish up, the retail side is expecting to be open in fall 2024.

Subway got sold to new owners on March 1. The new owners will be Pastor Mark and Nichole Hina of Hina Properties in Sidney. It is currently undergoing a deep cleaning along with necessary repairs to match Subway’s standards. Once the Health Department clears them for operation, they are hoping to be open on April 1.

A public hearing with the Planning Commission will be held on March 20 at 6 p.m. in the Council Room. The request is from J&S Lenhart Family Farm LLC. They want to have two parcels within the village, placed in an Agricultural District. The village will review their application to approve or deny it. They will also make modifications to it or to limit animal or poultry production if needed.

The Annual CRA Review with the County Commissioners and Shelby County Auditor will take place on March 15 at 10 a.m.

Assistant Village Administer Drew Sosby and Village Administer Bruce Metz met with David Helm of Pavement Technologies to discuss doing reclamite work on certain Village streets this year to extend their life.

A total of 33 angels with garland and a nativity scene will be added to Jackson Center’s new Christmas lights lineup this year.

Airstream was approved for their grant to start taking in Styrofoam recycling. They have begun setting up things to do just that.

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