Out of the past


125 Years

March 18, 1899

The telephone line at Lockington had a trial of its long-distance merits one day this week according to word from that village. Persons talked to Fort Wayne by way of Indianapolis with perfect ease. The line is being used quite extensively.

100 Years

March 18, 1924

Contracts for the erection of the Dorothy Love Presbyterian Home on the Russell farm, northwest of the city, were signed at a meeting of the board of trustees and the contractors, H.L. Loudenback and Sons, held in Sidney last evening. Arrangements were made for ground-breaking ceremonies to be held the afternoon of March 24.


William T. McLean, a lifelong resident and one of the prominent citizens of Sidney, died early today at his home on Franklin Avenue. Associated with the Slusser-McLean Scraper Co. since its organization, he had served as secretary of the State Board of Public Works for a number of years.

75 Years

March 18, 1949

Coach Clarence Raterman’s McCartyville School Shamrocks had good reason to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day when they successfully defended their county junior high cage crown with a 44 to 23 win over Perry at the Anna gym.


Rev. Goswin B. Menge, pastor at St. Denis Church in Versailles, leaves Saturday for three weeks in Rome, where he hopes to have an audience with Pope Pius. This will be the second trip to Italy for the pastor who has served the Versailles church for seven years, but his first trip to Rome.

50 Years

March 18, 1974

ST. HENRY – Several hundred people drove to this village and lined the streets to watch flower-adorned floats and happy Irishmen march in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. The Daughters of Isabella float won first prize. Second prize winner was the St. Henry Bank and third, the Montezuma paratroopers. Even people who didn’t have a drop of Irish blood hummed the Irish tunes played by the St. Henry High School Band and observers felt a closeness to generations of Irishmen who settled in the United States.


Mrs. Theodore Filio, a self-taught artist and Mrs. Russell Pierce have opened a studio above the Sherwin-Williams Co. store on N. Main Avenue where they go to paint for themselves and to teach others who are interested in techniques on shading and putting together an attractive painting.


SPOT FEATUES: Tuesday, Hamburgers, 34 cents; Wed. Onion Rings, 34 cents; Thursday, Peach Pie, 29 cents; Friday, Fish Fillet, 49 cents.

25 Years

March 18, 1999

Fort Loramie Schools are going forward with a project which will more than double the size of the high school building. The $6.9 million expansion final plan document will get one more review by the school boars said Loramie Superintendent Larry Ludlow. The project is running about “a month behind,” he said.


The phones have been silent, and Shelby County Sheriff Mark Schmelle finds that to be quite strange. The Largest reward in the county’s history was posted to secure information on person who murdered Greg Trap May 21 of last year. The amount of $25,000 was expected to draw a number of leads. One person, Vance Short, has been charged with tampering with evidence. He has entered a plea of not guilty.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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