I’m just OK with that!

To the Editor:

Bill Maher is an intellectually honest abortion advocate. He scolds those who claim that pro-lifers “hate women.” Millions of pro-life women prove that to be nonsense every day! But it’s a classic Marxist “oppressed versus oppressor” strategy to deflect from the issue and to pit one group against another.

When Maher had Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar on his show in 2022, she accused him of opposing abortion “rights” because he didn’t support the “hate women” rhetoric. Maher responded by saying “I’m certainly pro-choice…What I’m saying is you shouldn’t say to the other side, ‘You people hate women.’ They don’t hate women. They just think it’s murder.” Maher claimed he didn’t agree that abortion was murder, but that pro-lifers “legitimately” did. He understands they aren’t motivated by hate for women but by a desire to protect babies from murder.

That is intellectually honest, almost. The scientific fact that a human life is ended by an abortion has impacted his thinking in the last couple of years. Maher had this to say on his show last week: “A lot of people think it’s murder. That’s why I don’t understand the 15-week thing, or Trump’s plan [to] leave it to the states. You mean, killing babies is OK in some states? I can respect the absolutist position. I really can. I scold the left when they say, ‘Oh, you know what? They just hate women, people who aren’t pro-choice.’ They don’t hate women. [Abortion advocates] just made that up.”

Then Maher stunned his guests and silenced the audience with what he said next: “They think it’s murder, and it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. I am. I mean, there [are] 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you.” I hope you let those callous, cold-hearted, words sink in for a minute!

His guests, Piers Morgan and Gillian Tett, were visibly shocked by his comments. Maher had stated it too plainly, too honestly, for them. He didn’t sugarcoat, or deflect from, the obvious truth. He didn’t try to ease guilty consciences. I give him credit for attempting to be intellectually honest.

Maher has taken his pro-abortion position to its logical conclusion. Abortion ends an innocent life, and that is murder. Just two years ago he couldn’t publicly admit that. Now he admits it but is “just OK with that!”

Dan Cecil