Hardin-Houston BOE sets goals for school year


HOUSTON — The Hardin-Houston Board of Education met on Monday, Sept. 21, to approve school year goals and hire personelle.

High School Building Goals

• Support and implement the Response to Intervention process to assist struggling learner within our classroom.

• Educate students and staff on district policies pertaining to appropriate use of social media.

• Create lessons that will strengthen student understanding, which in turn will increase the district grade card.

Elementary Building Goals

• In an effort to improve achievement of students in the lowest 20%, a Response to Intervention Model will be implemented. Targeted interventions will be used, progress will be monitored, documentation will be kept, and adjustments will be made accordingly every 6-8 weeks.

• Hardin-Houston Elementary staff will successfully implement balanced literacy and the mathematical practices at all grade levels. Designed checklists will be used during walkthroughs to monitor progress.

• Hardin Houston elementary will host two parent literacy nights to increase parent involvement in the literacy achievement of students.

Disctrict goals

• Achieve the highest rating on the state report card.

• Optimize all building systems and fulfill the 5-year strategic plan.

• Provide a safe and secure atmosphere for students, staff and community members of the school district.

• Continue progress toward completion of the campus.

• Maintain fiscal responsibility and continue to monitor the fiscal position of the district.

The board approved the following certified staff members as mentor teachers for the 2015-2016 school year at a salary of $500 each: Jill Burks, Katy Koverman, Alisha Eichhorn, Carrie Larger, Michelle Foster, Tina Mertz, Jill Hein, Doris Monnier, Teresa Knouff, and Charlotte Phipps.

Employed the following as Balanced Literacy Task Force Members at a rate of $300.00 each for the 2015-2016 school year: Alisha Eichhorn, Carrie Larger, Jennifer Hoying, Connie Walker, and Andrea Kittel.

The board approved the following certified staff members as morning or afternoon student supervisors:


15 minutes: Scott Bayless, $500

15 minutes: Sandy Heitkamp, $500

45 minutes: Jackie Selover, $1,500


15 minutes: Doris Monnier, $500

15 minutes: Beth Hollinger, $500

30 minutes: Lauren Tuente, $1,000

The board employed Carol Voorhees-Elliott effective August 24, 2015 as a regular route bus driver (at step 15 and a rate of $25.48), contingent upon successful background check and proper licensure.

They employed the following supplemental positions:

• Mark Platfoot, 7th grade girls basketball, $1,562.22

• Abby Frilling, 8th grade girls basketball, $1,562.22

• Cara Kellersmith, gifted coach, $937.33

They also approved Dee Monnin as a gifted volunteer coach for the 2015-2016 school year.

The board employed Julie Adams and William Cathcart as classified substitutes for the 2015-2016 school year, contingent upon successful background check.

The board also:

Approved a trip to the National FFA Convention Oct. 28 through 31 this year.

Entered service agreements with the Midwest Regional ESC to provide the following: part-time title I teacher, elementary intervention specialist, and gifted intervention specialist.

Approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the Hardin-Houston Board of Education and the Hardin-Houston Education Association.

Approved the two design services agreements with Freytag and Associates Inc. for the Greenhouse project and Athletic facility.

Accepted the following donations:

• $2,000 from Brooks for cross country

• $2,840 from Fertilizer Dealer Supply for the greenhouse project

• $25,000 from the Monsanto Fund for the greenhouse project

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Media Center.

Staff report

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