Hardin-Houston holds staff appreciation banquet


HOUSTON — The Hardin-Houston Local School District held its annual staff appreciation banquet on April 27.

About 95 employees and guests attended the event which was held at the Houston Community Center in Houston. Several people were recognized during the evening.

Superintendent Larry Claypool presented the School Community Award to: Tara McDermit, Sara Mowery, Mindy Waesch, with the Hardin-Houston PTO and the Houston Congregational Christian Church.

The Hardin-Houston School District along with Superintendent Larry Claypool recognized retiring aide Candy Ritter and custodian Larry Wogaman.

Elementary Principal Sara Roseberry, High School Principal Ryan Maier, and Superintendent Larry Claypool recognized several employees for their years of service to Hardin-Houston School.

First-year awards were given to: Lauren Tuente, Jill Bornhorst, Mark Platfoot, Abby Pleiman, Scott Branscum, and Carol Voorhees-Elliott.

Employees who received five-year awards were: Brad Allen, Lee Wemmer, and Larry Claypool.

Recipients of a 10-year award were: Stephanie Merickel, and Jerry Schmidt.

Recipients of a 15-year award were: Jennifer Hoying, Katy Koverman, Deb Smith, and Glenn Brown.

Employees who received a 20-year award were: Doris Monnier, Charlotte Phipps, Connie Walker, and Dave Ewing.

Receiving a 25-year award was: Gwen Shoemaker, Deanna Chappie, and Denny Cooper.

Thirty-year award was given to: Kim Vestal.

Thirty-five year award: Diane Staley.

This article was submitted by Houston High School Principal Ryan Maier. Reach him at 937-295-3010, ext. 2001.

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