Group wants to bring speaker to Botkins

BOTKINS — The Botkins Education Foundation works with residents and alumni to create scholarships benefiting graduating seniors and provide educational resources for current students. The group is participating in its first Community Foundation Match Day to raise funds to bring a highly-regarded speaker for students and to generate grants for teacher projects.

“Our goal is to bring Chris Herren to Botkins Local School students for an assembly on October 12th, 2022, with the possibility of inviting neighboring high school students to attend as well,” said Fritz Serr, Botkins Education Foundation president. “If we raise more than the amount needed for bringing Chris to Botkins, any additional dollars will go into our new Teacher Grant Fund.”

Herren, a former Boston Celtics player, was a high school standout who battled the pressures of making it big at an early age. He battled drug and alcohol addiction through his college and professional career, before it spiraled out of control, nearly killing him. After he hit rock bottom and his playing days ended, he ultimately found redemption and fulfillment through the game as a coach and mentor. His story was spotlighted on ESPNs 30 for 30 film series. He teaches teens and young adults to look at their life past their sport and to prepare for the life they will live.

Additional amounts raised will support the newly created Teacher Grant program for Botkins teachers who wish to incorporate equipment or new activities to enhance student education.

To support the Botkins Education Foundation on Match Day, gifts must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County with: Match/BEF noted on the memo or in an accompanying note or form. Details and forms are available at the Community Foundation website at and by contacting any member of the Botkins Education Foundation board. Gifts must be received on or before Nov. 30 to be eligible for matching money. Credit card gifts may be made only on Nov. 30.

The Community Foundation of Shelby County holds its Match Day event annually on Giving Tuesday. Twenty-three local charities will ask supporters to make a gift to the Community Foundation that will be matched up to a total of $5,000 per charity.

Match Day participating organizations have a 501(c)(3) tax status and an organization fund within the Community Foundation of Shelby County with an asset balance exceeding the Foundation’s fund minimum. Gifts received will not be placed into an organization’s fund, but instead will be returned to the organization for its work in the community.

Former Boston Celtics player Chris Herren talks at a school about turning around his life after hitting rock bottom. The Botkins Education Foundation hopes Match Day gifts will support bringing Herren to Botkins to share his message. Boston Celtics player Chris Herren talks at a school about turning around his life after hitting rock bottom. The Botkins Education Foundation hopes Match Day gifts will support bringing Herren to Botkins to share his message. Courtesy photo