Out of the past

125 Years

June 28, 1897

City council was unsuccessful at its regular meeting last night in coming to some agreement on the appointment of a fire chief. Mayor Nessler offered six different names during the course of the session with none if his suggestions receiving the required number votes to be elected on roll call. The names presented by Mayor Nessler included: J.H. McClung, Scott Kelley, W.O. Foreman, Asbury Hall, Jacob Wagner and Ed McVay.


The city board of equalization completed its labors yesterday after being in session three weeks. It made its report to the county auditor this morning, with $109,200 worth of property added to the taxable valuation of Sidney. While the board met with some objections in cases where additions were made to this assessors returns, in most cases the board reached conclusions satisfactory without resorting to legal aid.


A number of local residents are in Columbus today, attending the Democratic state convention. Some went over last evening and other this morning.

100 Years

June 28, 1922

Damage is expected to reach a quarter of a million dollars in the storm that swept across western Auglaize county yesterday afternoon. Heaviest damage was in the St. Marys area and Glynwood, east of that city. There was heavy structural damage at the Deisel-Wemmer Cigar Co., Auglaize Box Board company, and St. Marys Wheel and Spoke company. Electric power over a wide area was knocked out for several hours.


J. Henry Neuman, former state librarian, was the guest speaker for the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Sidney Kiwanis Club held this noon. Music for the program was furnished by Prof. Worrell, Cable Wagner, Dr. Guthridge, Dr. Cyril Hussy, and Charles Benjamin.

75 Years

June 28, 1947

Pemberton hometown fans will have an opportunity of watching “Pop” Frank Snavely and his eight boys in action for the first time this season, when they tackle Pemberton’s second team in a preliminary softball game in that village Monday night.


The Kiwanis club of Sidney will be represented at the 32nd annual convention of Kiwanis International, which opens tomorrow in Chicago, by Fred Dull, Sr. and LeRoy Bishop, as delegates and Kenneth McDowell and Home English, as alternates. Some 10,000 persons are expected to attend the session.


Playground attendance in Sidney hit a new high this past week, with a total of 1275 youngsters using the various playgrounds. Harmon field led the group, with 620 youngsters using the facilities.

50 Years

June 28, 1972

HOUSTON – David Stang, R.R. 2, Sidney, was named to the Hardin-Houston Local School district board at a meeting this week in the Houston school building. Stang will be given the oath of office at the next meeting.


NEWPORT – Mr. and Mrs. William Barhorst entertained the Sheephead Club Saturday evening at their country home west of here.

After playing 12 rounds of cards prized where awarded to Mrs. William Barhorst, James Gariety, and Richard Borchers.


Two teams of 24 players each will battle it out for top honors at the Sidney Country Club tomorrow afternoon. John Leymaster will captain the team of “Sure Shots,” and V.E. Watkins will lead the “Go-Devils.”

25 Years

June 28, 1997

NEW BREMEN – Stacey Neumeier, daughter of Joe and Kathy Neumeier, attended the Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation Annual Seminar June 5 to 8 at Denison University in Granville. The seminar, developed 39 years ago, is designed to bring high school sophomores together to interact with distinguished business, government, education and professional leaders. The students and leaders discuss present and future issues.


In the first-ever presentation of Hidden Hero Awards, James Roth of Sidney was named the overall 1997 Hidden Hero by Communities Alive! of Miami and Shelby counties.

A total of 13 awards were presented recently during the ceremony at Upper Valley Joint Vocational School. Residents of Miami and Shelby Counties were recognized.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org