Out of the past

125 years

August 9, 1897

Miss Jessie Ayers Wilson of this city, has accepted a position as instructor in voice culture in Harrison Female College at Cynthiana, Ky. She will leave for there next week.


William Shine has made arrangements with the Western Union Telegraph Co. to receive daily the baseball scores on the National and Interstate League games.


The total expense to the county of putting the Parrott gun in the courthouse square amounted to $63.10.

100 years

August 9, 1922

John Garrity, who resides east of the city, and his seven-year-old daughter had a narrow escape this morning, when the car in which they were riding was struck at the Big Four railroad crossing north of Pasco. Garrity was enroute to vote and said he failed to see the approaching westbound passenger train until he was almost on the tracks. The impact threw the car to the side. Garrity escaped injury while his daughter suffered a bad cut over the eye.


The youngsters at the children’s home will enjoy a day-long picnic at Mires bathing beach tomorrow. They will be transported in cars provided by members of the Elks Lodge.

75 years

August 9, 1947

The first of a group of informal hearings on the proposed permanent zoning ordinance for Sidney was held in the council chamber of the city building last evening. This session dealt primarily with the operation of the zoning as it affects the first ward.

Motorists who parked on the outside of the public square had their first local experience with parking meters today. As expected, there was a definite trend toward “shying away” from the new devices. Service Director Aneshansley noted that the first “tickets” issued by local officers would be courtesy cards, carrying no fine.


Mayor W.W. Wheeler received a letter today from Gov. Thomas E. Herbert, asking recommendations for a Shelby County rent advisory board. The Housing and Rent Act of 1947 provides for continuation of federal rent control until Feb. 29, 1948, and calls for establishment of local advisory boards. Each board will consist of five members.

50 years

August 9, 1972

Sidney Jaycees are well past the half-way mark in securing the funds necessary to complete their 25th anniversary project – a $35,000 beautification of the downtown court square. According to project co-chairmen David Stang and Don Lochard, the civic organization has now secured pledges from businessmen, industry and individuals totaling more than $20,000 to apply toward the final bill.

25 years

August 9, 1997

There will be some new faces greeting the Sidney students returning to elementary and junior high school later this month. Trina Collier, Title I teacher at Central; Matthew Conley, fourth -grade teacher at Emerson; Amanda Egbert, third-grade teacher at Parkwood; Keith Helmlinger, math at Bridgeview; Annette Johnson, kindergarten teacher at Central; Monica Ferguson, learning disabilities tutor; Lori McLaughlin, art teacher at Emerson; Eric Meiners, art teacher at Bridgeview; Heather Nieman, social studies teacher at Bridgeview; Margaret Odle, learning disabilities tutor; Kerry Strausbaugh, learning disabilities tutor; and Janay Wick, developmentally handicapped instructor at Whittier. Judy York has returned to the district to serve as principal at Central and Lowell schools.


RUSSIA – There will be a few new – but familiar – faces in the Russia School District this year. Kris Poppelman will be returning to teach the remedial reading program. Angie Monnin will head the new model IV special education program for the district.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org