SIDNEY — After counting and recounting, sorting and resorting, the audit of the Nov. 7 General Election was completed Thursday by the Shelby County Board of Elections.

According to Board of Elections Director Pam Kerrigan, 5% of the total number of people voting had to be audited. Three precincts — 7 (Sidney 2nd Ward), 15 (Cynthian East) and 30 (Salem East)— fulfilled the 5% requirement.

Three teams of two people — one Republican and one Democrat on each team — counted the three required issues for the audit. The issues audited were State Issue 1, State Issue 2 and the Sidney-Shelby County Health Department tax levy.

Prior to the audit, the board discussed a polling location for Washington Township. It was agreed that the location be located in the New Beginnings Church in Lockington. An agreement letter will be sent to the owner of the building.

The board also approved the election administration plan for 2024, which must be submitted to the Secretary of State’s office. Kerrigan said if a board member sees something that needs to be changed after it is submitted, it can be amended.

They also discussed the winter conference which will be held Jan. 10-12 in Columbus.

The board also approved bills which have been filed for audit.

The board will hold its meetings in 2024 on the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. at the board office.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 20 a.m.