Out of the past


125 Years

Feb 19, 1899

The Men’s League of the Presbyterian church has secured J. DeWitt Miller in his famous lecture, “Is Uncle Sam Sufficient Unto Himself? He will appear on the lecture program at the church on Wednesday evening, Washington’s birthday.


The Florentine Hotel is being greatly improved. The interior has been repainted and papered throughout and it has been wired for electric lights. A new roof has also been put on.


The Central Union Telephone company hs arranged to put a telephone instrument in the Mayor’s office free of charge.

100 Years

Feb 19, 1924

The trustees of the Church of Christ are receiving sealed bids for the purchase of the Church of Christ property located at 113 South Miami avenue.


The shooting match between officials of Sidney and Piqua held at the armory last evening resulted in a victory for the Sidney team by one point. Chief O’Leary, Coroner Hussey, and Treasurer Beery had scores of 50 each, while Judge Short had a score of 48 and Sheriff Clark, 45.

75 Years

Feb 19, 1949

A Lima truck driver was fined $50 and costs in Mayor Luther Fogt’s court at Anna last evening following his citation by the highway patrol after an earlier accident in which the truck rammed into a car, causing the later to crash into an Anna school district bus, carrying 47 pupils.


Dr. J. Boyd Page, associated professor of agronomy, Ohio State University, spoke to more than 300 farmers and interested businessmen last evening at the annual meeting of the Shelby Soil Conservation District held at Anna High school. William S. Ufer, of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, spoke briefly on the local soil program. County agent R.W. Munger was program chairman.

50 Years

Feb 19, 1974

Sidney’s Cost-per-pupil increase from 1971-72 to 1972-73 was $34.75, a total of $57.65 less than overall state cost increase per pupil, Supt. Roger C. McGee reported Monday to the Board of Education. “We’re not keeping pace as we should, which points up the need for the additional millage,” he said. Voters will decide on a 3.8-mil levy issue this spring for operations of city schools.


“It’s allowed me to get some insight as to what makes our city and county tick and has certainly broadened my outlook in many ways,” explained Paul Koerner, referring to his experience as Sidney’s Second War City Councilman. Council’s second senior member, he was elected to his fourth term in the last election.


PIQUA – The glitter of show business will be brought to life this weekend as the Piqua Players present the Broadway musical “Applause.” Four Sidney area residents including Mr. and Mrs. John Widney, Monty Hargrave and James Foster will be among cast members.


Selected scenes from the Billy Graham film, “Time to Run,” were shown to Rotarians during the Monday luncheon at Imperial House following introductory remarks by John Laws.


When the Women’s Auxiliary, Salvation Army, held a Feb. 4 meeting, Mrs. Kermit Kuck, a past president, was presented with an award of appreciation.


PORT JEFFERSON – The Port Jefferson Parent Teachers Organization Monday conducted a spelling bee. Sherry Casad was first place winner and Sheila Hensley, second.

25 Years

Feb 19, 1999

PORT JEFFERSON – The Port Jefferson Community Club will be offering line dancing every Monday beginning March 1. Dancing will be from 7 to 9 p.m. and the public is welcome. There is a fee of $3 per person.


A lone demonstrator stood outside a southern Ohio prison today, where convicted killer Wilford Berry Jr. was being held on the day he is to be executed.

However, court action concerning what would be the state’s first execution in 36 years continued today, following decisions Thursday from the governor and two courts to let the lethal injection proceed.


PHOTO – Steve Lorton, a former Sidney resident who currently lives in Seattle, Washington, is shown during filming of a garden segment that will appear on the Home and Garden cable television network. Lorton, who is also Northwest bureau chief for Sunset Magazine, has been described as a major player in the American Horticultural Society based in Washington, D.C.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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