Drew Sosby appointed as Jackson Center village administrator


JACKSON CENTER — Drew Sosby has accepted the Village of Jackson Center’s offer to become its administrator. His hiring and more were discussed during the village council’s May 13 meeting.

Sosby graduated from Jackson Center High School in 2016 and from Edison State Community College with an associate in Business Management in 2019. Currently, he has a Class I Water/Wastewater and Class II Wastewater licenses for the Village. He will officially take the seat on July 1.

Kristy Bayhan attended the meeting to introduce herself and her new business, B Hive LLC. B Hive LLC is an old-fashion ice cream cart attached to a bicycle selling ice cream by the scoop. They plan on having chocolate, vanilla, and other flavors based around demand. They will be peddling through town this summer and at events, with the classic ice cream truck tune playing through speakers. For the time being, they are only accepting cash.

Ellison Hong, owner of the Northtowne Village Trailer Park, was in attendance to give an update on the improvements he has been making there since purchasing it a year and a half ago. So far, he has done a major clean-up and renovations of the property, sub-metering on all the water/sewage lines and temporarily patched the pot holes with gravel. He implemented a new screening method to make it into a nice community for the residents to call home.

New tenants must have a clean background and proof of income from a stable job they have had for a year or more. Going forward, he plans on demolishing/replacing trailers that are beyond repair ($4,000 or more for each one), upgrading the electrical work so each trailer can support 200 amps of power along with the transformers to support this extra load, installing a new sign, and upgrading the landscape. Hong did ask council if they could dedicate a few streets in the trailer park for public use as traffic patterns have increased over the last year. The Village decided to look into the matter further and get back to him in the near future with a decision.

In other business:

Justin True was appointed as Jackson Center’s new probationary firefighter.

The fence at Jackson View Cemetery is now up after the Village received a $2,500 grant for it. They plan on reaching out to Choice One to layout plot markers on the spots they are taken.

The pool has been painted and filled for the upcoming season.

Sosby is looking into ways on how the Village can save money on the Tiger Trails and baseball field projects.

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