Spirit EMS record

Spirit Emergency Medical Services weekly log

July 16-22

According to Brian K. Hathaway, Spirit EMS president/CEO, Spirit EMS was called to nine emergency medical dispatches in Shelby County. That’s four more calls than the week prior.

All of the calls were in the Houston EMS district which includes Loramie and Washington townships including the village of Lockington and excluding the village of Russia.

One of the nine calls that came in last week happened at the same time the primary Spirit EMS unit was on another emergency call within the district. A secondary Spirit unit responded to that call. There were two cardiac arrest responses last week. Lockington Fire first responders and Shelby County deputies assisted at both of those scenes. There was one injury crash in which Shelby County deputies and Houston Fire assisted Spirit EMS. Spirit EMS was called to a house fire and assisted firefighters from Lockington, Sidney, Houston, and Russia.

Of the nine calls, six involved transports to the hospital. There were no injuries at the scene of the fire. In one of the cardiac arrest calls, the patient was pronounced dead at the scene. The Shelby County Coroner’s Office also assisted Spirit EMS in that case. The patient from the injury crash refused transport after evaluation and treatment by EMS personnel. Of those transported, two were taken to Wilson Health in Sidney; two to Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy; and two to Kettering Heath in Troy.

Spirit EMS responded to 100% of its dispatched calls last week.

July 9-15

According to Brian K. Hathaway, Spirit EMS president/CEO, Spirit EMS was called to five emergency medical dispatches in Shelby County. That’s 55 fewer calls than the week prior. It’s the same number of calls for the Houston district as the week prior when you take out the responses made to Country Concert 2023.

All of the calls were in the Houston EMS district which includes Loramie and Washington townships, including the village of Lockington and excluding the village of Russia.

There was one incident in which Shelby County Deputies assisted Spirit EMS and another where Russia Fire first responders assisted. There was one refusal obtained after an evaluation by EMS personnel. EMS personnel were also canceled on one call while responding to a reported medical alarm. There were three patients transported, all of which were transported to Wilson Health.

Spirit EMS responded to 100% of its dispatched calls last week.